• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • 100% of death row inmates are not somehow wrongfully there.

    I think your particular choice of verbiage here tells you a big part of the reason people are reacting this way.

    Innocent people can and do wind up on death row. So chances are good that somewhere in the country, a completely innocent human being is being subjected to all the horrors you just read about (assuming you read it at all).

    Personally, I don’t think a civilized society should ever be subjecting people on death row to such inhumane treatment, innocent or guilty. They’re already facing the worst possible punishment a human being can, what additional benefit is gained by making them suffer needlessly in the interim? So you can get a justice boner at the thought that they’re miserable and you’re safe and comfy?

  • Frankly, who the fuck knows lol

    If you can’t stand bugs, id just hold off entirely until Beta at least. Frankly they’ve still got a ways to go to just get the basic content in the game, several core gameplay loops like exploration are still missing, and some core pieces of tech like server meshing are still MIA as well.

    Could be a year or two, could be another decade, could be never.

    My advice for SC is as follows - if the game in it’s current state (check it out during a free fly event - which is probably coming up soon) is something you enjoy playing, then grab a starter ship and enjoy, but if you just want to play the “finished” game, then wait. And under no circumstances drop hundreds of dollars on internet spaceships lol - it’s really not that hard to grind your way in-game to good ships, and frankly you’ll have more fun that way, because there’s nothing to do with the most expensive ships right now anyways.

  • OK, take a delivery mission from the crowded space station you’re currently on, load a rover onto your ship (by which I mean actually load a rover onto your ship, not just press “equip rover” in a menu) . Walk onto your ship (again, meaning actually walk onto your ship, not just load straight into the cockpit), travel to your fly down onto the planets surface without a single loading screen, head down to your rover bay, get in and drive over to the delivery location to deliver the package. All without one single loading screen at any point in the process.

    The closest I can think of to that is space engineers, except space engineers doesn’t really have “missions” in the same way SC does and the station would be a ghost town, and all the ships/rovers would look like LEGOs lol

    Don’t get me wrong, the game is very unfinished and even by alpha standards it isn’t at all perfect and there’s a 50/50 chance that at some point in the process above you’ll get a 30k or some other game breaking bug, but I don’t see how you can have played the game like you say and not think that it’s doing things other games aren’t. There’s no other game that I’m currently aware of that actually provides the same immersive experience (when it works) as SC.

    Whether or not those extra bits of immersion actually matter to you is an entirely separate question, but they are present and a good measure further than any other scifi game I’m aware of. If I’m wrong pleasepleaseplease fill me in, because I fucking love that shit in SC but can’t deal with the bugginess for more than short intervals lol

  • bitsplease@lemmy.mlOPtoLemmy@lemmy.mlDo your part, try not to lurk!
    10 months ago

    The main benefit is being in total control of your experience on lemmy

    If you’re on someone else’s server, you don’t really have any control of federation, and your instance admins could just decide to defederate some instance that you enjoy seeing content from without your say. Similarly you may want to defederate from an instance, but on a public server you’d have to appeal to the admins to do so for the entire server.

    Other than that it’s mainly a “because it’s cool” thing

  • Yeah I think it’s less that people are setting unrealistic expectations for a Bethesda game, and more that people are getting fed up with being told they should be happy with all the faults “because it’s Bethesda”.

    Bethesda gets a really weird pass in the gaming industry and when it comes to shallow content and bugs. I think a lot of that comes from the modability of their games, so that with mods and a few years of patches, the games often end up being a lot of fun - but the fact is that the games themselves, as released by Bethesda are usually hollow shells by comparison.

    For instance it always irks me when people say Skyrim VR is the best VR game - you literally need a couple dozen mods just to make it function as an actual VR game (lack of 3d audio in a VR game is just unforgivable imo, let alone any actual physics interactions).

    I think people are just starting to get fed up with Bethesda’s business model of building barebones games and counting on modders to make it fun. And then people get further fed up when they say so online and get told things like “but yeah it’s Bethesda, what did you expect?”

  • You’re not wrong, but the fact is that photorealistic graphics sells games. Everytime a AAA title releases gameplay footage prior to release, the graphics fidelity is always one of the most talked about things. Hell, there have been a lot of games where the majority of the hype has been around the graphics quality.

    I’m not saying this is a good thing, quite the opposite, but the fact is that game studios are primarily interested in building a game that makes money (because that’s how capitalism works), and having the best graphics is a proven way to boost sales. The only way it’s going to stop is for people to stop basing their game purchasing decisions on graphics and start basing them on gameplay. But for casual gamers, that seems highly unlikely

  • The guy who wrote the lemmy software is the same guy who runs lemmygrad. All of lemmy is “tankie bullshit”. I suggest you go back to reddit to be safe from us.

    TIL that open source software is inextricably tied to it’s creators political beliefs…

    Sorry bud, but despite tankies on this site being really fucking loud and argumentative, you’re drastically outnumbered by newer members who have no relation to lemmygrad or other tanky instances.

    No fediverse social media site “belongs” to it’s creator or their beliefs, that’s literally the whole point. If you want a site where it’s creators are able to enforce their beliefs on their users, maybe you should go back to traditional social media

  • bitsplease@lemmy.mltoLemmy@lemmy.mlCan we block entire instances?
    11 months ago

    Ugh - that’s really frustrating especially since they must know this isn’t what everyone actually wants. Let us have personal defederation - it would solve the whole defederation controversy in one stroke. There would no longer be any reason for instances to make such huge decisions on behalf of all it’s users, and individuals can choose to disengage with toxic communities on their own