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  • 28 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • It entirely depends on how you want your homelab to work. I use a reverse proxy to set up subdomains for my publicly facing services because I find it easier and cleaner to assign a subdomain to each service, and I also like having HTTPS managed by a single point — a sort of single point of entry to the rest of the services. You’d have to decide what you want out of your homelab, and find and set up the services that yield the outcome that you want.

  • Local Only Communities

    Local communities are an interesting concept, though I am concerned about unintended side effects. I have noticed many times that people from other instances chime in to meta-communities to provide some alternative viewpoints and context when instances are discussing interactions with the rest of the network. I worry that some will become too isolated/sheltered. But I suppose, in the end, that’s ultimately up to the individual instances to decide.

    Lemmy can now federate with Wordpress, Discourse and NodeBB.

    Increased federation capabilities is always awesome to see!

    In order to improve interoperability with Mastodon and other microblogging platforms, Lemmy now automatically includes a hashtag with new posts. The hashtag is based on the community name, so posts to /c/lemmy will automatically have the hashtag #lemmy. This makes Lemmy posts much easier to discover.

    This is a clever solution. I think this is a good way to go about it.

    RSS feeds now include post thumbnail and embedded images.Security

    I really appreciate the continued attention given to keep RSS alive.

    A security audit was recently performed on Lemmy.

    Awesome! And congrats!

    • Added Community local_subscribers count
    • Support for custom post thumbnail
    • Indicate to user when they are banned from community
    • Added alt_text for image posts

    Great features for improving the polish and user experience on Lemmy!

  • I won’t watch this clickbait

    Are you referring the title here on Lemmy (ported from YouTube), or are you referring to any video, in general, that uses this practice? If it’s the latter, why punish the creator? The need for clickbait is more of an environmental requirement for success created by YouTube. I can’t fault a creator for trying to succeed.

    forks who succeed the prior are exactly what we call democracy.

    Hm. Democracy, by definition, is rule by the majority. A smaller fork gradually becoming larger and more successful than the prior, thereby eating up a larger chunk of the market, is really more of an example of competition. The larger fork doesn’t have any say over the smaller forks. It is somewhat of an analogy to democracy, perhaps, in that people “vote with their feet” by moving to the fork that they want to succeed, but it breaks down in that you don’t have one, or the other — both can exist in tandem.

  • Asking just because I’m curious… why are you using xpath?

    I’m using a service called FreshRSS that automatically fetches RSS feeds. It has a feature that allows you to create custom feeds for sites by scraping the HTML with user specified XPath expressions.

    I know that this isn’t exactly “web development”, but it uses webdev tools, and I wasn’t entirely sure where else to post this.

    If you’re rendering the page (in a browser, e2e test-runner, spider bot, etc…), have you considered running some js on the page to get the image? Something like: const imagePath = document.getElementById(‘exampleIdOnElement’).style.backgroundImage

    JS is, unfortunately, not possible here. I can only use XPath expressions.