I was surprised that no one posted this yet:
I boil mine for 5-10 minutes, drain, dump onto a cookie sheet, fork smash, top with melted butter and salt, and throw in the oven until the peaks are browned.
That sounds good. Like a mashed baked potato.
I went to the grocery after work: I got three types of potatoes …… but had frozen pizza for dnner
Hey we get it. Grocery shopping can be tiring. Potatoes will still be there tomorrow
And if you wait long enough, the potato will turn into several potatoes
I do my mashed potatoes by popping them in the microwave on potato setting. After their baked, run them under child water to get the skins to separate and then mash. Let’s you get more butter and milk than if it’s boiled in water first.
I know you mean cold, but child water is funnier
And for that it well stay.
As funny as that sounds, I don’t think I want children urinating on my potatoes
I cut up potatoes into half, then half moon pieces, then into boiling water for 12 minutes, skins on, mash with salt, pepper, and butter, then some half and half. Done. That’s how I like my mashed potatoes.
Dice those, steam them for a bit until they’re soft (3 min in a microwave steamer) then pop them into a hot cast iron pan with a diced onion and some avacado oil, high heat. Stir occasionally until they start to brown (and the smallest pieces are a bit crispy).
You shouldn’t eat just potatoes for a meal, but its hard not to with those cooked like that.
U better not be mashing those with their skins on.
Why is that? I love the skins.
On wedges sure. But in mash it just ruins the texture experience.
Disagree. It adds flavor and texture to it. Nothing worse than mashed you can drink through a straw.
I don’t care for skins left on russets, but red or yellow is definitely the way to go. Plus you save time not skinning 👍
The extra fibre is worth it
Thats like saying the electrolyte from a little bit of piss in ur beer is worth it.
Under this roof we eat the whole potato
Big true.
Also, would a smaller saucepan speed things up a bit?
I swear by the hot water kettle for getting dinner up to speed. Sort of like pre-heating the oven, plus the kettle is faster than (my) stove.
Add a lid and Bob’s your mother’s brother.
Bruce, is that you?
Drain Cleaning Australia YouTube channel is the only place I’ve heard that expression haha
Might be it fits the burner better to maximize energy efficiency. Although I hope the lid was on except for the picture.