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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • You could accomplish what you’re trying by putting the GPU in a second computer. Further, most UPSes have a data interface, so that you could have the GPU computer plugged into the UPS too, but receive the signal when power is out, so it can save its work and shutdown quickly preserving power in the UPS batteries. The only concern there would be the max current output of the UPS in the event of a power outage being able to power both computers for a short time.

  • I’ve been doing it all my life though so it doesn’t really require more effort than thinking in concepts. It’s like breathing, it happens automatically but I can stop or control it if I want to.

    I’ve found the opposite. The older I get, the “expensive” words are to use. The concept when in mind is so complex and nuanced, to use a word for it shaves off all that complexity and nuance and collapses the thought into the limits of the definition of that word. When it becomes a word, its…less, a mostly formed shadow of what it was. That’s the price of communicating it to others.

    When I stop my inner voice I would describe my thoughts as sort of fuzzy and ephemeral. I would easily forget them or have difficulty expressing them without first putting them into words.

    We operate oppositely in this, which is wonderful! For you it sounds like the thoughts don’t have meaning until you choose words and make them concrete. Like your thoughts are liquid and fluid, but you’re able to make them solid and meaningful by confining them in words. For me, I do the best I can with choosing a word, sometimes dusting off old antiques, to try to match as close as possible to the concept. Sometimes I have found words in other languages sometimes fit better because of a closer match of concepts or properties. That too has its drawbacks, as using that would lose your audience when you’re trying to communicate an idea.

  • no its totally words and sentences.

    That’s amazing to me! It would be so much extra effort for me to put things in words to think on them first. The only time I do that is when I’m testing how it will sound to someone else. Even then, I’ll build the sentences, and then simulate a person hearing them in concept with what I know of the audience to see how they would receive it, and what concepts they draw from what I say. Then I adjust the words as needed to get the thoughts across to the audience.

    I can’t honestly don’t know what my thoughts are outside of that except for visualizing things and like subconsicous things like hunches.

    The best metaphor I can think to describe it is assembling a jigsaw puzzle. You don’t need to describe the shape of the piece to be able to find a matching piece it fits into. The shape, size, edge, color, and pattern all inform you of where it will fit. That’s kind of a hunch. This conceptual thinking works similarly. There are “attachment points” to each concept that link them together with other mental abstracted concepts. There are places that don’t fit which let you know the pieces are unrelated.

  • Mines constant. I can’t really make any decisions without internal debate and I have to sorta constantly keep track of things I need to this.

    A new perspective from this article on the topic I haven’t heard before is that what you’re describing may not be the “inner voice” being referred to.

    after work im going to do x this weekend I need to get y and z done. W needs to get done before the end of the month.

    I’m going to assume your native language is English (forgive me, replace with your own native language). When you’re having this internal debate, are your points and counterpoints in actual English language with a sentence structure noun+verb+adjective? This is what I’m reading in the article they say “inner voice” is.

    • “I really need to do laundry this weekend or I won’t have any clean socks on Monday”
    • “I’m going to play football with my friends. I’m excited to work on my kicking form again.”
    • “Have I paid the electric bill? What day does that arrive? How much money do I have in my account?”

    Or instead is it abstract concepts stacked on top and next to each other for comparison?

    • concept of obligation
    • playing out a scenario of the future where you wake up on Monday, open your sock drawer and find it empty
    • forecasting a sense of satisfaction from the completed task
    • calculation of consequences of not doing the task (again)
    • a slight self imposed discomfort to motivate you to complete the things to become comfortable again

    According to my read of the article, the first would be the “inner voice”, the second would NOT be. I have the second, not the first. How about you?

  • I didn’t think this “not using inner voice” thing applied to me, but the way I read the article maybe it does. If the inner voice is truly a voice using grammatical spoken language it sounds crazy limiting.

    As someone with an inner voice, I can’t even imagine how I’d think about abstract concepts without words. Like, how does “I love freedom” or “I wish all people could be free” happen without words?

    None of this is in words when I’m thinking about it. I’m putting words here to describe the concepts , thoughts and feelings, of each step but none of it is words when I’m thinking it.


    • limitless choice
    • peace and comfort
    • patriotism (to the extreme, ironic terms freedom being used as a method of control)
    • anti-freedom = slavery or being controlled
    • personal experience with making free choices
    • historical learning about situations where they didn’t have freedom
    • personal luck in being born in a (mostly) free country
    • imagining being born and living in a place without freedom
    • fictional examples of lack of freedom, like sci-fi dystopia
    • empathy about those that don’t have the same things I do
    • sense of justice about equality
    • memory of muscles used to make my mouth and larynx say the word “freedom” FREEEEEE — DUUMMM

    All of the above only takes a second or two of actual elapsed time.

    Words that come out:

    “I love freedom. I wish all people could be free”.

  • It already has. Thats why its 36 years with “1 child” and only 6 years with “2 child” before it went to “3 child”, they’re deep in deficit and are trying to catch up.

    Further the new “3 child” policy isn’t just a passive allowance. The government of China is actively incentivizing parents to have children.

    “An extra month off and $80 monthly stipends and 30-day days of additional leave part of a series of sweetners local governments have unveiled as China kicks off the legislative process to allow married couples to have a third child in a drive to curb a precipitous decline in births.” source

  • Well, my mother has asked me to digitize her collection too and have me host it. Originally, fine, you give your movies to me, I host them, same thing.

    Did your mom buy your computer and hard drives? I doubt it. You spent your own money, right? So she’s giving you a whole bunch of stuff which is consuming your space. Quote out the cost of buying components for a separate server for her with her own drives. When she buys the parts, build her her own server and put her stuff on it.