We know that in the far future of Discovery, Vulcan has been renamed Ni’Var and both Vulcans and Romulans live there. We know that this was the end-result of Spock’s efforts in Unification I and II, that they left the Federation, and that there is considerable political strife between the Vulcans and Romulans.

But we don’t have many more details than that.

Obviously, at some point after Romulans were refugees across the galaxy, Vulcans invited them all back to their home world. But why did they do that? It couldn’t be out of pure altruism, because we know that’s not really how Vulcans work.

It would also be very risky for Vulcan society to suddenly invite millions of very emotional people onto their planet. It would make it a lot harder to maintain the emotional control that they work so hard to maintain. Meanwhile, the notoriously secretive Romulans, who apparently do not have Vulcan telepathic powers, would be opening themselves up to massive invasions of privacy. Did the Qowat Milat and their teachings help in that regard?

So let’s talk about Ni’Var. How did Vulcans and Romulans re-unify on Vulcan without a total societal destabilization?

Please, however you personally feel, let’s accept for the sake of this discussion that Ni’Var is the canonical future of Vulcan for Star Trek shows going forward.

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldM
    7 months ago

    Oh 100%. My comment isn’t meant to be like “Ha! I have the answer to your question!” Just some information from the episode to help fill things in and help figure out the gaps. That episode is one of my favorites of Season 3 because the idea of Romulans and Vulcans getting along is so insane to me but seeing them still at each others throats almost a thousand years later just still adds up. Clearly steps being made mind you.