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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • William@lemmy.worldtoSteam@lemmy.mlI'm sorry, what?
    2 months ago

    Because someone in the gamedev community once posted about using achievements to measure engagement with users, it caught on, and now there are actual achievements mixed in with standard progress, including just launching the game, apparently.

  • As a wannabe game developer, I plan to use UE5 and take advantage of the deals that Epic offers for selling on their store, but not the exclusivity. I would actually like to launch there, so that my first sales get me as much money as possible, instead of some storefront, but it’s basically game-suicide to do that.

    I wish Epic would smarten up about all the complaints about their stores and exclusivity practices and realize that gamers would use their store if it just had the features it needs. They aren’t as entrenched in Steam’s store as Epic believes. Especially after all the free games that Epic has given away already.

    As for “Alan Wake 2 dev”… Wake up! Trying to frame this as a “woe is me” situation is ridiculous. That game had a ton of hype before it was even announced, and failing to capitalize on that is the dev’s and publisher’s fault, not the consumer. A Kickstarter would have been nuts if money was what was needed.

  • I started playing 76 for the first time. I got it for free at some point.

    At first, I was inundated with ads for the monthly fee thing. When I got into the game, it took me through a tutorial and then asked if I wanted to be level 2 or level 20 w/ pre-set perks selected from a few sets. I took the latter.

    I was initially fairly impressed. It felt very much like Fallout 3/4/New Vegas, except that VATS didn’t pause time, IIRC. Which sucks, obviously.

    I got through a few more tutorials and was setting out from my C.A.M.P. (which you place wherever you want in the shared world) and was about a mile down the road and the server disconnected. I found myself back where my CAMP was placed… But no CAMP! Someone in another instance had put their CAMP too close to that spot, so mine couldn’t go there any more and was back in my inventory.

    But back up a step. I was a mile down the road, and a server blip put me back at CAMP, losing my progress.

    I exited the game and uninstalled. I’m playing 4 again.

  • As another senior software developer, but at smaller companies, this was my answer as well.

    If I start right away, the idea they had in their had but couldn’t put on paper will emerge as “No, that’s wrong” about a million times, trying to coax my idea into being their idea.

    If I wait for their idea to be on paper, they’re stuck for it and if I do what they said, even if it’s awful, there’s no consequence to me. If I do what I wanted, even if it’s amazing, it’ll be destroyed in front of me and they’ll think I’m a screwup because I didn’t do what they wanted.

    If you’re one of the people that control the company, you can afford complete creative freedom. If you aren’t, everything you do will be crushed in front of you, and you’ll just have to work harder to get back up to speed with what they really wanted.

    And I don’t even have the “5 other teams” problem, since I’ve been in small companies. That would make it 10x worse.