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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The data lives in both places. Your pod is all of your data held in one place. The interaction is a copy of that data sent in and out to the various social networks.

    I would expect that you could adjust how much context to save around your comments. Maybe it pulls down the while thread on whatever service, or maybe just the comment you replied to with a url.

    This is a bit of a deviation from the initial “Solid” concept, as that was a fully standalone controlled data warehouse that you allowed social media to access only during using the service. It was a way to have control of your data because you hold the data instead of social networks.

    With the fediverse’s replication between different hosts, there wouldn’t be a way to gate this data, so the concept looks like it was adaptived. A big advantage for the fediverse? Your account is actually on you pod, not someone elses server. The data is replicated via the servers is all. You would basically be “federating” your identity with a server, not depending on it.

  • All over the article you posted:

    and since Floorp currently has no advertising, my own salary is, of course, zero. It’s just not going to last.

    I have made many plans, including earning development money on this projects, but all have been derailed by open source projects.

    There is some code in the closed source code to prepare for this. If these are forked, my hundreds of hours will have been wasted.

    The purpose is to learn how to publish code that cannot be used for forking as open source.

    I have to obligate the folks to choose whether they want to pay me or help me code.

    So hes forked the open source Firefox, added some polish, and is now miffed that others have taken his forked project and forked it themselves, because it cuts off a possible income stream he had planned. That code, the things he intended to profit from, is whats hidden in the “closed source” part of the repo. He says he will open source it eventually, likely after he figures out a way to profit from all of the code Mozilla kindly let him fork for free.

    He doesnt want anyone else to profit from the hundreds of hours of code hes added to the millions of hours of free code hes currently trying to profit from. This is of course a very reasonable and consistent moral stance in line with common open source principles.

  • How bad is the “cupping?” Just a bit of give as you walk over it but otherwise level, or literally bowing with no pressure and then really bending if you walk on it?

    If it’s the former, I would wait until a few weeks without rain and the seal it, see how it goes. I probally would not remove the board to do both sides as that’s a lot of work for not much gain. Stain is weather proofing, not really structural support. For that you need wood epoxy, which will run a lot more than lumber.

    If it’s the latter amount of bowing, probally a full replacement with either deck quailty lumber if she cares, or cheaper, uglier and more weather resistant pressure treated lumber if she doesnt.

    You can also try removing a board and flipping it over. It’s likely the other side is not nearly as warped if the bowing isn’t bad. Then flip them all over and seal the “new” top side.

  • He’s probably interested in blocking these kinds of PR’s.

    He is now that people are spamming the high profile projects he used as examples in his “get paid” cryptobro scam videos and it’s pissing people off in the FOSS communities hes trying to worm the project into.

    Hilariously, he stated that he would be really unhappy if people were doing this to his actual FOSS projects, which makes me wonder why he didn’t use them in his examples instead of the completely unrealted Node.js and ghost projects.

    Its almost like he made himself getting rich someone else’s problem. Totally unlike crypt bro behaviour, of course.