uwu owo etc., you know…

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • my experience with it was also kind of a rollercoaster, but libreELEC on x64 harware with some basic IGPU was the key for me.

    I tried it on Raspberry Pis (OG and 3) but that surely was painful.

    since using a nornal PC, I really have no issues with compatibility, even the most obscure, sonewhat recently updated plugins work no problem.

    but I can feel you, it needed several chances from me too, but I needed to replace my PS3 (uaing Movian - what an amazing piece of software!) cause it had issues with some recent fullhd files.

  • kinda the same, honestly. Just turned on my Switch months ago, renewed my subscription and got hooked again.

    RPG was fun. Haven’t played the original one, tjough. Music, enemies are OK- Haven’t played the endgame, if there’s any.

    Difficultywise, it was fairly easy and light game, but didn’t expect else 😄 or maybe I did too much grinding.

    So, I liked it. Though not sure about that 60 EUR, but oh well.

  • Epoxy could work.

    3DSs have their interconnect ribbons in the right hinge, the left one is ‘just’ the mechanics.

    Also, the shell is pretty sturdy. But nevertheless, you really should replace it, but probably enough just the inner shell of your screen to replace.

    Now the sad part is that IIRC for that, you still have to disassemble the whole unit - including removing the ribbons in the hinge then reinserting them. This sucks major ass, it’s really-really hard and tricky to do, and there’s a relatively great chance you bork some of them (camera, screen or speaker/vol/3d controls).

    It’s not impossible, tho.

  • I had a really important role of my Pi 1 B+ for a long time; it was a network storage for my PlayStation 2 to play ISOs from the network with Free McBoot and Open PS2 Loader.

    grabbed a big HDD, and old CD drive case and put everything inside. The Pi could be powered from the PS2s USB, hooked up a short network cable and it was ready to go.

    Tho I still have that PS2, it's not in use anymore, so neither the Pi.