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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • Good catch, I didn’t realize that with AnyType. That makes my first recommendation to OP just SilverBullet, then. Source available is better than nothing, like with Obsidian, but OP specifically asked for FOSS repos. It looks like their peer to peer sync server is MIT licensed, but their client (and client library) code is licensed under the “Any Source Available License 1.0,” which restricts use other than for “personal, academic, scientific, or research and development use, or evaluating the Software, but does not include uses where the Software facilitates any transaction of economic value.”

    I ruled out Logseq’s sync service due to it being both paid ($60/year minimum) and not FOSS, both things OP asked for. For my purposes, since it’s not FOSS and not able to be self hosted, it’s not a good option. But it makes sense to use the same file syncing solution that’s already in use, whether that’s FolderSync (or some equivalent tool) set up to sync to my server, Syncthing (though I just realized its Android client is no longer being developed as of December 2024), or even Cryptomator + some cloud storage service.

  • Since you’re already using Standard Notes - have you checked out Awesome Standard Notes? You can use the community extensions - editors, themes, etc. - even with the free plan.

    It’s my main note-taking app, but I also got the 5 year paid plan for $150 (IIRC) a few years ago, and prices have increased substantially since then. If I weren’t locked into a lower rate, I’m not sure I’d subscribe at the current rates (though I would look into the self-hosted Pro discount before ruling it out). That said, if you don’t need note linking, queries, and those sorts of things, then I think the free plan of Standard Notes + community extensions is a great option. If I self-hosted the server, the main thing I’d be missing over the paid plan is nested tags.

    Logseq (repo) might meet your needs if you’re okay setting up a sync service like Syncthing on every client you use. Of course, you could use Dropbox, Google Drive, etc., but I recommend against it without a layer like Cryptomator in between, since your data is store in the clear. IMO it doesn’t really make sense to self-host Logseq - just use the native app that’s available on basically every platform. I find Logseq kinda confusing, honestly, but it has a lot of compelling features.

    SilverBullet may be what you’re looking for. It must be self-hosted and has a PWA instead of native apps, but the PWA on mobile at least is quite good. Since it uses Markdown files for its notes, you could use it with some other tool on the machine hosting those files, if you wanted. I have it self hosted myself and it’s the best alternative I’ve found to Notion and Obsidian when it comes to querying my own notes and so on.

    Someone else posted about Outline and I think it’s a fantastic, polished option. I know that you said this is for solo use, so you probably don’t care about its collaboration features, but you also mentioned managing personal projects, and its integrations (e.g., Airtable) could be useful for that. I have it self-hosted and it is a bit more complicated than other options, but I don’t think I ran into any particular issues. I’m using it with Authelia as an OIDC provider and can share my docker-compose file and other config if that would be helpful. They also have a paid, hosted option, which you can try out for 30 days if you want to see if it’s right for you before you put the time and effort into self-hosting it. One of my most-used editors in Standard Notes is the Rich Markdown Editor, which is based off the editor used in Outline. However, unlike SilverBullet and Standard Notes,

    Hedgedoc is another option that may be worth looking into. It’s my go-to collaborative editor / gist replacement. Personally, I prefer it over Outline. Its main shortcomings are that:

    • it must be self-hosted (though you could use HackMD aka CodiMD, which it was forked from, as that does have a hosted version)
    • it doesn’t have an app (on any platform - not even a PWA)
    • it doesn’t have any sort of querying capabilities, and
    • it doesn’t have any sort of Kanban-like tool.

    But it does have several built-in integrations, like Mermaid and multiple other diagramming tools, inline images (just drag and drop), syntax highlighting for code, Gist embeds, Youtube embeds, optional Vim/Emacs keybindings, a slide deck presentation mode, inline CSV tables, etc., and that’s all without needing to mess with plugins or switch between editors.

    I hadn’t used AnyType before today, but it’s been on my radar since late 2020, and it’s pretty powerful. It’s not perfect, but it seems to check off everything you’re looking for. It does have a bit of a learning curve, but it’s been easy to jump in and take notes.

    It’s hard to know which to recommend you try, though, because your list of criteria don’t all map neatly to features. For example, what do you want from planning vs managing personal projects? What do you mean by “journaling?” Is having a “journal” section where notes get dates sufficient? Do you like the way Standard Notes or Logseq handle journaling, or are you looking for features like what jtxBoard has?

    I’m assuming the following for my table below:

    • Quick Notes - easy to create a new note and just write some stuff. Needing to fill out any required fields (even “title”) make this a ❌
    • To-do lists - checkbox lists. You have to be able to add a new item by pressing enter and mark an item off just by checking the box.
    • Managing and planning projects:
      • Kanban / Trello style board - without needing to integrate with a non-FOSS third party service (this is why Outline gets a ❌)
      • Linking to another note in the body of a note (Standard Notes lets you create a link in the tag bar - this doesn’t count)
      • Embedded querying of your other notes, treating notes like objects - really the thing that makes Notion so powerful
      • Easy table editor
      • Diagrams - Mermaid, Excalidraw, or a similar plugin that works natively
    • Easy to use - auto-saving of notes, automatic synchronization that “just works,” rich text copy-paste, etc…
    • Offline mode - You didn’t mention this, but I’m calling it out since it’s otherwise easy to take for granted.
    • Publishing - you mentioned not caring about collaboration, but being able to publish a note is still useful in solo-only workflows, as it gives you a way to reference it directly from a bookmark, some other tool, etc., potentially from a device where you aren’t authenticated.
    Standard Notes 1 SilverBullet Outline LogSeq Hedgedoc AnyType
    Sync ❌ (Paid)
    Quick Notes
    To-Do Lists
    Kanban Board Sorta
    Links to Notes
    Table Editor
    Linux App ✅ (PWA) ✅ (PWA) ❌ (Web App)
    Android App ✅ (PWA) ✅ (PWA) ❌ (Web App)
    Easy to use
    Usable offline
    Easy inline images

    [1]: For Standard Notes, I’m not assuming that you’re self-hosting the server, but I am assuming that you’re installing community extensions, particularly Rich Markdown Editor or something similar.
    [2]: For Silver Bullet, I’m assuming that you’re installing community plugins.

    I recommend you try AnyType and/or SilverBullet first, depending on which one looks more appealing to you.

  • Giphy has a documented API that you could use. There have been bulk downloaders, but I didn’t see any that had recent activity. However you still might be able to use one to model your own script after, like https://github.com/jcpsimmons/giphy-stacks

    There were downloaders for Gfycat - gallery-dl supported it at one point - but it’s down now. However you might be able to find collections that other people downloaded and are now hosting. You could also use the Internet Archive - they have tools and APIs documented

    There’s a Tenor mass downloader that uses the Tenor API and an API key that you provide.

    Imgur has GIFs is supported by gallery-dl, so that’s an option.

    Also, read over https://github.com/simon987/awesome-datahoarding - there may be something useful for you there.

    In terms of hosting, it would depend on my user base and if I want users to be able to upload GIFs, too. If it was just my close friends, then Immich would probably be fine, but if we had people I didn’t know directly using it, I’d want a more refined solution.

    There’s Gifable, which is pretty focused, but looks like it has a pretty small following. I haven’t used it myself to see how suitable it is. If you self-host it (or something else that uses S3), note that you can use MinIO or LocalStack for the S3 container rather than using AWS directly. I’m using MinIO as part of my stack now, though for a completely different app.

    MediaCMS is another option. Less focused on GIFs but more actively developed, and intended to be used for this sort of purpose.

  • Only just now got a notification of your reply, but it shows as posted 5 days ago - weird.

    Why do you think the housing market is “hot?” I haven’t seen anyone saying that the housing market is currently hot - rather the opposite, with buyers not buying due to interest rates and sellers not wanting to lower prices below where they were in 2022. Prices have finally dropped from where they were last year, but that’s not indicative of a hot market.

    Zillow thinks that San Francisco is expected to have the second lowest growing home values in 2025 (second only to New Orleans), and Sacramento and San Jose are both in the top 10 as well, so I don’t think CA is performing any better than the best of the country. And in the rest of the country, according to realtor.com, last month was the slowest November since 2019; the number of houses for sale has grown for 13 straight months and is now the highest it’s been since December 2019.

  • Unless something has changed, it did. The page linked reads:

    And, obviously, this POC is open source, the code is publish here on our forge.

    The link takes you to their repos. The server repo has instructions on self-hosting directly on your server or with Docker. The app repo has code for both the iOS and Android apps. That’s good, because the iOS app at least doesn’t have a built-in way to select a different backend server.

    Whisper is by OpenAI and as far as I know they have not shared the training code, much less the data sets, so the best you can do is fine-tune the models they’ve provided.

    If use of Whisper is a problem, but the project is otherwise interesting to you, you could ask them to consider using a different STT solution (or allowing the user to choose between different options). I’m not aware of any fully open STT applications that are considered to be as capable as Whisper, but if you do, that would be great info to share with them.

  • As it is, you only see new comments if you scroll past the post again (and your client has refreshed it) or if you open it directly. If your client hasn’t updated the comment count or if you refresh your feed and the post falls off, you’ll never see it anyway.

    A “Watch” feature would solve this better. If you watch a post, you get aggregated notifications for edits and comments on the post. If you watch a comment, you get aggregated notifications for replies to it or any of its children.

    By aggregated notifications, I mean that you’d get one notification that said “The post you watched has been edited; 5 new comments” rather than a notification for each new comment.

    Then, in addition to exposing a “Watch” action on posts and comments, clients could also enable users to automatically hide posts that are watched, either by marking them as hidden or by hiding watched posts without updates.

    If the latter approach were taken, notifications might not even be necessary - the post could just get added back into the user’s feed when changes were made. It would result in a similar experience to forums, where new activity in a topic would bump it to the front, but it would only impact the people who were watching it.

    You can kinda get that behavior by sorting your feed by Active, but this could be used with other sorting methods.

  • 500 grams of what, though? Folgers?

    The current average price per pound (454 grams) of ground coffee beans in the US was double that just a couple months ago, so spending $3.00 per pound would necessitate getting cheaper than average - and therefore, likely lower quality than average, or at least lower perceived quality than average - beans.

    The sorts of beans that companies tend to stock (IME) that are perceived as higher quality aren’t the same brands that I tend to buy (generally from local roasters), but they’re comparably priced. For a 5 pound (2267 grams) bag of one of their blends (which are roughly half the price of their higher end beans), it’s similar to what you’d pay for 5 pounds of Starbucks beans - about $50-$60.

    Often when a company says “free coffee,” they don’t mean “free batch-brewed drip coffee,” but rather, free espresso beverages, potentially in a machine (located in the break room) that automates the whole process. I assume that’s what Intel is doing.

    At $10 per pound (16 ounces) and roughly 1 ounce (28 grams) of beans per two ounce pour of espresso, that means that if each person on average drinks two per day, then that’s $1.25 for coffee per person per day.

    However, logistics costs (delivering coffee to all the company’s break rooms) and operational costs (the cost of the automatic machine and repairs, at minimum; or the cost of baristas, or adding the responsibility to someone’s existing job (and thus needing more people or more hours) if just batch brewing) have to be added on top of that. Then add in the cost of milk, milk alternatives, sweeteners, cups, lids, stir sticks, etc…

    Obviously if they just had free coffee grounds and let people handle the actual brewing of coffee in the break room, it would be much cheaper. But if the goal is to improve morale, having higher quality coffee that people don’t have to make themselves is going to do that better.