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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • here’s a replica i just made using the equal earth projection

    and here’s one using the authagraph projection

    i wanted to make one using the mollweide projection, but i couldn’t find a good blank map with borders to use

    they’re both poor work, but i don’t want to put in the effort to fix them, and it’s pretty funny imagining icelanders getting mad that i put them in north america

    both used blank world map images ripped from wikipedia plus getpaint.net

  • Paid VPNs are dirt cheap worldwide… If you can already afford a PC capable of playing HD2, you can afford a few bucks a year for a reputable VPN.

    You have actual clueless first-worlder logic

    If 60 to 160 USD per year is “dirt cheap” to you, you have absolutely no place to speak. Hundreds of dollars over the course of 5 years just to circumvent stupid geolocation restrictions and nothing else – about the same cost to twice the cost of a low-to-mid range gaming PC BTW – is not affordable to most people. How do you compare basically throwing away hundreds of USD yearly opposed to a one-time purchase of an important utility in the modern age? How do you view that as cheap for people in countries where that could be a large chunk or most of their salary? Are people not allowed to buy expensive things for themselves rarely and actually enjoy them without having an unnecessary subscription expense tacked on just because they were born in a poorer county?

    How would you feel if I told you there were a “fuck you” fee of 10% of the cost of your house every year just because you’re American or Canadian or British or some shit, on top of your income & property taxes? I mean you’re a homeowner so you can obviously afford it.