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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Obviously taken to an extreme it’s bad, but I think it’s fine to have a function that can do one thing two or more different ways and ignore a certain parameter if one of the ways doesn’t need it. I’ve done some programming against the Win32 API and this is what jumped to mind for me, and I think it’s the typical case here. If I were designing from scratch I might split it into n functions that do it one way, but it’s such a small difference I wouldn’t fret over it. And of course making a change to the Windows API is an undertaking, probably not worth it in most cases.

  • This is wrong. If it’s working, it may be just because YT hasn’t rolled their adblock defeating code to you just yet. And other extensions may interfere with uBOL and cause it to stop working. Even there aren’t other extensions running, the built-in tracking protection in the browser can sometimes trip YT’s code. The uBO reddit post (written by the author of uBOL) points out that YT changes the relevant scripts twice a day, so even if you have a perfect setup, there are going to be windows of time where it doesn’t work.

    IOW, you can’t just install another extension and make the problem go away. Your whole setup matters.

  • Am I missing out by not hunting for the perfect deal on an old Xeon or something off of eBay? I’m not really familiar with server components, and I don’t know to what extent I would benefit from features like ECC RAM.

    I run a couple of dedicated linux servers on commodity hardware and they’ve been working well for several years. It’d be cool to have ECC RAM but not worth a bunch of money or effort IMO. Maybe that’s different on windows but I doubt it.

  • My opinion: don’t sweat it, either way. I know that’s easy to say from the outside, but it’s still true. Do what you are most comfortable with. It sounds like you have plenty of ammunition if you want to put your foot down & insist on quality practices. Reject PRs that don’t meet best practices, and point to the internal docs you have. If the dev reacts angrily, blame the company & say you are worried about getting in trouble.

    Or if confrontation makes you more uncomfortable, just let it slide. If the shit hits the fan, the senior dev is the senior dev. Just say you were following their lead.

    Above all, remember that the company you are working for is not your friend and not your ally. Look out for your own interests first & don’t stress about work as much as possible (I get that’s easy to say and tough to do, but it’s still the best idea!)