Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Many animals, including most felids and canids, have a fifth toe (aka dew claw), which could potentially evolve into a thumb. You don’t normally see it on domestic dogs though, because if I’m not mistaken, it usually gets cut off when they’re a puppy due to it being weak and having a tendency to get caught on things.

    Alternatively, there is polydactylism in cats, which can give them extra toes that can help them grab things (I’ve seen a video of a polydactyl cat using it’s extra foretoe like a thumb, though I can’t find it). It seems possible that, overtime, an extra foretoe like that might eventually provide enough of a evolutionary benefit for it to become a standard feature.

    If cats evolved human-like intelligence, they’d absolutely have night clubs of some kind. That said, I’m not convinced that cats don’t already have human-like intelligence and aren’t just choosing to not use it, but that’s beside the point.

    Walking bipedally is something a lot of smaller mammals can do as well, it just isn’t their normal mode of locomotion because their bodies aren’t currently designed for it. Going the evolution route again, however, and it’s possible that a species might eventually decide to stand up like humans did. Edit: I forgot about birds, dinosaurs and semi-bipedal mammals like the pangolin. Birds and pre-historic theropods walked on two legs, and pangolins have heavy tails they can use to balance on their hind legs so their forelegs are free to dig at ant mounds. So humans aren’t the only animals that walk on two legs.

    The wing things are part of her clothing.

    You’re correct that being bothered by a chin alone is strange, but,

    A) people have weird things that bother them, sometimes illogically

    B) I kinda look at anthropomorphic animals as being evolved from their real world counterparts, so I tend to rationalize things in regards to how they might have evolved. It makes it more believable for me.

    C) iirc, in the context of the movie that specific character is from, thats actually someone’s VR avatar. As such, it makes sense to make human concessions like opposable thumbs, five fingers and toes (cats technically have five toes on each forepaw, four toes on each hind paw), walking plantigrade, etc. A chin seems like an odd concession to make. From the article, it doesn’t really give humans any really evolutionary advantage so it’s not like you’re gonna be unable to do something because you don’t have a chin; and based on what I’ve seen in the furry community, chins on anthros doesn’t really seem to have much of an aesthetic appeal either (otherwise nearly every fursona would have an obvious chin).

    D) It just looks weird. Idk man, it just looks weird to me.

    That said, I don’t tend to mind hybrids or mythical creatures like gryphons, dragons, dragon-cats, or whatever, so idk. It just looks weird to me and I guess the thing about humans being the only ones with chins is a explanation and justification for why I find it weird-looking.

  • Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 and 2; Need for Speed 2 and 3; SimCity 3k.

    Also, check your monitor properties. Afaik most CRT monitors (not TVs; those run at 60hz/50hz depending on region) are meant to run at 75~85hz. If it’s running at 60hz when it’s meant to run at a higher refresh rate, then that might be why it’s nauseating (my crt has a very noticeable flicker at 60hz, but that goes away at 75hz).

    Edit: to expand on this for any late-comers: CRTs work by using an electron gun (aka particle accelerator aka a motherfucking PARTICLE CANNON) to fire an electron beam at red, green and blue phosphors. When the electron hits a phosphor, it emits light based on the color hit. This beam sweeps over the phosphors at a speed dictated by the display’s refresh rate and illuminates the phosphors one-by-one until it has illuminated the entire screen. This is why trying to take a picture or video of a CRT requires you to sync your shutter speed with the CRT. If your shutter isn’t synced then the monitor will appear to be strobing or flickering (because it is, just very, very quickly)

    These phosphors have a set glow duration, which varies based on the intended display refresh rate. A refresh rate that is too low will cause the phosphors to dim before the electron beam passes over them, while a refresh rate that’s too high can cause ghosting, smearing, etc because the phosphors haven’t had a chance to “cool off”. TVs are designed to run at 60hz/50hz, depending on the region, and so their phosphors have a longer glow duration to eliminate flickering at their designated refresh rate. Computer monitors, on the other hand, were high-quality tubes and were typically geared for +75hz. The result is that if you run them at 60hz then you’ll get flickering because the phosphors have a shorter glow duration than a TV.

    Note: this is a place where LCD/LED panels solidly beat CRTs, because they can refresh the image without de-illuminating the panel, avoiding flicker at low refresh rates.

    Edit 2: oh! Also, use game consoles with CRT TVs, not computer monitors. This is because old consoles, especially pre-3d consoles, “cheated” on sprites and took advantage of standard CRT TV resolution to blend pixels. The result is that you may actually lose detail if you play them on a CRT computer monitor or modern display. That’s why a lot of older sprite-based games unironically look better if you use a real CRT TV or a decent CRT emulator video filter.

  • Not gonna lie, I think Traveller has the best cover art for a game, period. TTRPGs, video games, board games, card games, I legit think Traveller is at least top 10, if not number 1. I have never seen cover art that has made me feel so compelled to try out the game and make me wish I had people to play it with. It tells you about the game’s theme, setting, gameplay and I imagine, conveys the way the game actually feels to play without any actual artwork.

    Are there any other games that can claim the same? That’s a serious question, I’m legit scratching my brain trying to think of other games with cover art that hits as hard as Traveller’s, actual “artwork” or not.

    Traveller’s cover art is just on another level.

  • You might have already figured it out, but it says

    You wouldn’t pay for 4k Netflix and then download a Chromebook recovery image in order to extract the aarch64 widevine com blobs and then patch in support for 16k pages and then apply miscellaneous glibc compat workarounds and then spoof your useragent, and install a browser extension to unlock HD resolutions, to legally watch media in only 1080p

    Also I don’t think OP made the meme, I think they’re just wanting to know more (as am I). Like, what’s the drama? Why’d someone make the meme? It implies Netflix only lets you watch things in 1080p on a PC if you apply a bunch of workarounds (presumably to make the site think you’re a TV or something).

  • I wonder if there’s a way to obscure IPs on the side of a torrent tracker. Like an inverse VPN.

    Tbh though, I feel like in this day and age they’re gonna have a hard time cracking down on torrents. VPNs are easier to use and more accessible than ever. Just remember to recommend VPN usage when someone asks about trackers, torrent programs, etc.

    Edit: also this is pure bullshit, I can’t believe anyone actually believes this in this day and age:

    In his speech on Tuesday, Rivkin highlights what a major problem piracy in the US has become, saying it costs “hundreds of thousands of jobs” and “more than one billion in theatrical ticket sales.”

    Pretending it actually does hurt ticket sales, you know damn well companies wouldn’t use the money to hire more people, Rivkin. They’d use the money to find new ways of cutting costs, aka jobs.