sie/ihr, she/her


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • My main machine is Suckup (Second Universal Cybernetic-Kinetic Ultra-Micro Programmer), my laptop is Tuckup (Third Universal etc), my phone is Keitaichan (keitai being Japanese for mobile phone), my tablet is Tabbuchan (from Japanese taburetto for tablet), my NAS is Shinochan (from shinorojii, Japanese for Synology), because I am absolutely insufferable and unimaginative and I crack myself up.

  • I asked my guide what their qualifications for being a guide were and they ignored me. Then they wanted me to subscribe to I don’t know what and they’re not telling me what. The only answer I got was “//starrekgameblogger1075634829” (yes, “starrek”, [sic]) and now my guide is pretending to not know what that means.

    I’m from the 21st century, we’re cynical about technology.

    Edit: oooh and now I got a random popup asking me for money.

  • Yeh, I get that it’s just an example. But wouldn’t it be like that for anything you could ask it? It can only work with what you’re giving it and that data could be heavily influenced by you not wanting to see something. Or exaggerating. Or forgetting. A human looking at your diaries might be able to put themselves in your situation and understand, based on their own experience with the human condition, how you were probably feeling in a situation the diary entry is describing and interpret the entry accordingly, maybe even especially when considering other, seemingly conflicting entries. But they’re using “outside” information which an AI doesn’t have.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying what you’re imagining is completely impossible - I’m trying to imagine how it might work and why it might not. Maybe one way to develop such an AI would be to feed it diaries of historical people whose entries we can interpret with decent confidence in hindsight (surely those must exist?). Ask the AI to create a characterisation of the person and see how well it matches the views of human historians.

    I am so very much not an expert on AI and I hate most of what has come of the recent surge. And remember that we’re not talking about actual intelligence, these are just very advanced text parsing and phrase correlating machines. But it does of course seem tempting to ask a machine with no secondary motives to just fucking tell me the harsh truth so now I’m thinking about it too.