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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • I think this is kind of a thing for a lot of stereoscopic 3d technology.

    I could play the virtual boy, 3ds, watch 3d movies, etc. for hours without issue, and other people can’t take it at all.

    I don’t know what factors play into that, maybe it’s genetic, maybe there’s some kind of skill/technique/habits about how you focus your eyes, or how often you blink, maybe it’s just luck of the draw that your pupil distance is just right or wrong. Maybe it comes down to something ridiculous like how many hours you spent trying to make sense of Magic Eye books when you were a kid.

  • Yeah, when I talk about freezing chunks of meet to thaw and slice later, I’d be cutting into 1-2lb chunks to slice as needed, not trying to thaw and refreeze a whole 5+lb log of meat.

    And it’s really the quality I’m worried about, I understand it from a food safety standpoint, I’m just trying to figure out the best ways to freeze which things, don’t want to take a pack of meat out of the freezer and have it be tasteless mush or dried out or whatever.

    Also the savings doing this are pretty nuts, in some cases I’m getting the whole thing for the price of just a couple pounds if I got it from the deli counter. I think I got a 6lb pastrami for about the price of what maybe 2lbs at the grocery store would have cost me, cheaper per lb than some of the cheaper lunch meats, so sadly even if I end up throwing half of it away (which is what I’m try to and so far successfully avoiding) I’m still saving money.

  • I’ve made bigos a couple times, my family is polish, but we’re a few generations removed from the old country, so it wasn’t exactly part of our regular diet growing up, just something we had once or twice at the local polish church’s feast.

    The first time I made it, most of the recipes I found were ridiculously plain, mostly just cabbage, sauerkraut, pork, and kielbasa stewed together without much else, which don’t get me wrong, is a damn fine meal on its own, but I kind of knew deep down there had to be more to it.

    So I just kind of took what I knew about polish food and threw it all in a pot, and what I came up something really close to that Chef John recipe. I don’t think I had allspice in mine, and I threw in a jar of pickled beets and every kind of mushroom I could get my hands on, but otherwise that’s almost exactly what I came up with. I’m kind of proud of that now that I’ve seen his recipe.

    If anyone has ever been curious about the perpetual stews you tend to hear about in medieval fantasy books and such, bigos is probably about as close as you can get without actually keeping a pot simmering for weeks at a time (although if you want to keep it simmering and add to it as you go, more power to you.) Historically that’s pretty much exactly what it was, whatever the local hunters showed up with went into the pot, so it’s also a pretty hard thing to screw up, there’s not exactly a wrong way to make bigos.

  • There’s a few variables here you’re going to need to address, but to tackle the easy part first, yes you will need to increase other ingredients as well, as long as you keep the ratio of all the ingredients consistent, you can pretty much scale the recipe up or down however much you want.

    Next, what is your definition of an XL pizza? Different stores have different sizes. At the local pizza place I used to work at many years ago, our small was a 12 inch, medium 14, large 16, and we used 18 inch pies we’d use to sell individual slices on for some catering gigs. Some places max out at 12 or 14 inches, and I’ve seen some places that offer 20 inch pies, and if we venture into the realm of rectangular pizzas they may be made in a full 18x26 sheet pan (I’m going to assume you’re not doing that though, because most residential ovens can’t even fit a full sheet pan, and if you have a professional oven that can you probably already know what you’re doing and wouldn’t need to ask)

    What style of pizza are you trying to replicate? What recipe are you using? What kind of oven? What is your technique like? Different doughs will stretch or rise differently or behave differently in the oven. There’s no real one-size-fits-all rule of thumb to follow.

    You can do a bit of math, figure out your dough density, volume of a cylinder that’s say 16 inches in diameter and ⅒ of an inch thick, and scale your recipe from there, but honestly making pizza at home is often going to involve a bit of trial and error no matter what while you dial in your technique and equipment, so personally I’d just make a bigger batch of dough, eyeball out a ball that seems about right, weigh it and see how it comes out, if it’s too small make a second pizza with a bigger ball of dough, if it’s too big, make the next one smaller, until you figure out what’s right for the pizza you want to make. Invite a couple friends over to eat the extra pizzas and make a night of it.

  • This is part of the reason that I think that if (and that’s a BIG “if”) the government is by some chance in contact with aliens, the president probably isn’t in the loop.

    Let’s imagine Bill Clinton started a conversation with a civilization based around proxima centauri (the nearest star to the sun) the day he took office. Assuming no FTL travel/communication, they’re a bit over 4 light years away, that means it takes 4+ years for our message to reach them, and the same amount of time for us to receive their reply, Bill is out of office by the time we get a reply, so their message reaches W probably right around 9/11, then the next reply we get is a year or so into Obama’s presidency, then about halfway through Trump’s term they probably just received his message, and depending on how this next election turns out either Biden will get their reply in about 2027 or Trump will be the first president who could have had a full back-and-forth with another planet since Grover Cleveland EDIT: FDR (forgot about his wonky terms) (which is a scary through.) That’s a hell of a way to have a conversation.

    That timeline of course gets shorter if we’re dealing with aliens based out of our solar system or somewhere in interstellar space, or potentially much longer if they’re somewhere much further away than the nearest star to us.

    If the government is in contact with aliens, I think it would have to be in the hands of some career military types or unelected bureaucrats whose careers can last decades and they have more opportunities to pick and groom their successors.

  • Your comment was true, but not exactly relevant since we were talking about airtag-like devices that don’t have connectivity besides Bluetooth, saying that a device like them exists that has GPS built-in is kind of moot since they don’t have any additional ways to send that location info.

    The thing you linked would fall under the walkie-talkie-like device I described.

  • Depending on where you are and where you hike, you may have a very different idea of what a large forest looks like than some people. Unless you’ve really traveled to go camping and hiking, or just happen to live in a very heavily forested area, what you think of as a large forest patch and what others think of may be in entirely different leagues. And just being in the woods is only part of the issue, geography has a bigger effect than all of the trees.

    I’m from the Philly area, we have a pretty big wooded park, something like 2000 acres, that is entirely within the city. It’s also in a valley, so when you’re in the park there’s usually steep hills or even cliffs all around you. Cell service gets spotty in a lot of the park, even though there is probably no place in the park where you’re more than about a mile or so from major roads and cell towers and all the other stuff you expect to find in a major city, the signal just can’t get through all the dirt and rock surrounding you.

    It gets even worse when you get up into the mountains, driving along a winding mountain road you can see your signal going bonkers bouncing between full bars and no bars based on what mountain is in the way of a tower at any given moment. And towers and everything else are just more spread out in general, one area I go pretty regularly to you’re often driving a good half hour or so between anything you’d really recognize as being a town, without much but woods and mountains in-between.

    By contrast, I’ve also done some hiking in the NJ pine barrens, some of the sections I’ve been to absolutely dwarf that park in Philly I mentioned, and are generally more remote, but they’re mostly pretty flat, trees aren’t great for cell signals but they’re a hell of a lot better than mountains, so I can usually get pretty deep into the woods before my signal starts failing me.

    I’ve also been to Quetico Provincial Park in Canada, which dwarfs pretty much any other forest I’ve personally ever been to, just an absolutely massive tract of natural area, and relatively flat at that, but it’s just so big and remote that there is really no cell service to speak of.

  • GPS is one-way though, your device isn’t sending anything up to the satellites, it’s just looking for where they are.

    You still need a way to get a signal from the collar to your phone or computer or whatever device you’re using to track it. Things like airtags and tiles use Bluetooth to talk to nearby phones that relay it onto the Internet. If no one is close enough with a phone they’re basically useless, and if the cell service is spotty, the location can’t be updated until the phone has a signal, and depending on the area, that could be a while which means your dog could be miles from where they were when a phone last picked up the signal from their collar.

    If the collar itself is hooked up to the cell network, then you don’t have to rely on someone being nearby with a phone to pick up the location, but it is still reliant on having cell service, which may not be a given if you’re out hiking in the mountains for example.

    Other than that, you would have to use other satellite services, or rely on having a direct radio connection to the collar, sort of like a walkie talkie except carrying the GPS data instead of voice.

  • I don’t know the ins and outs of how they work, and I’m sure there’s some catch and they overall skeeve me out a bit, but I have seen a few companies that offer very limited free service, something like 25 mb/month. I don’t know how much data a gps tracker would use but that might be doable

    I’m sure those companies do everything in their power to get you to pay more than nothing, automatically change your plan if you go over, deceptive emails, etc. so definitely something to be careful about. I also wouldn’t have a whole lot of confidence in those companies sticking around for very long.

    And while not free, there are some pretty affordable prepaid plans and such that may be competitive or slightly cheaper than what a regular subscription might cost.

    Depending on where you live, it may be possible to forego the call plan entirely, in a dense urban area with lots of open public WiFi networks, you may be able to work it entirely off of WiFi.

    If you wanted to get real weird with it and jump through the loopholes to get licensed, there might also be some options using ham radio stuff like APRS, though that’s probably going to leave your dogs location exposed to any ham who happens to be playing with their radios in your area.

    Now I’m not saying that any of that is necessarily a good idea or worth the hassle of setting any of that up, I’m just spitballing some ideas for what someone could potentially do if they did want to homebrew such a thing.

  • Of all the words I would come up with to replace instance, proxy would probably be very near the bottom of the list.

    For me the first thing that comes to mind is the websites we used back in school to circumvent the school network filters. I suspect that’s probably the case for a lot of people who would be confused by the term instance enough to be put off by it. Others would probably think “it’s proxy for what? Why shouldnt I go right to the actual source instead of going through a proxy?”

    Server would probably be my first choice if we wanted to ditch the instance terminology, and off the top of my head, host, home, hub, portal, access point, provider, node, center, affiliate, axis, and core, would all come to mind before proxy (and most of those I wouldn’t consider to be better terms than instance, though still far better than proxy)