This one kind of flew under the radar for me back when it came out but with all the hype surrounding the sequel, it seemed like a great time to play the first game ($30 USD).

Definitely have never played an RPG quite like it. It’s extremely difficult for me so far but not in a rage-inducing way, more like I keep dying because I’m playing it like Skyrim. It feels like a slow burn type of game, where the more time I invest in my character, the stronger he’ll become and the more enjoyable the game will be.

Anyone else playing the first game right around now?

    26 days ago

    Giving it a replay on realistic mode, it’s good fun! I like not fast traveling, and having to figure out where you are by actually reading the map is fun.

    It has its jank, and the silly macho-vibes suck, but it’s a really interesting and unique game. Try to lean into its oddities, they actually work quite well when you give them a chance. The saviour schnapps saving system is not that punishing, but it does mean you either have to commit your early economy to saving/stealing schnapps or accept that you will fail quests and die in combat without being able to quickly reload a recent save.

    Ultimately, I enjoy games that force me to take failure seriously, but that’s a matter of taste. It does make riding through the woods pretty intense with the threat of getting ambushed.