Make Scania Danish Again
Make Scania Danish Again
Giving it a replay on realistic mode, it’s good fun! I like not fast traveling, and having to figure out where you are by actually reading the map is fun.
It has its jank, and the silly macho-vibes suck, but it’s a really interesting and unique game. Try to lean into its oddities, they actually work quite well when you give them a chance. The saviour schnapps saving system is not that punishing, but it does mean you either have to commit your early economy to saving/stealing schnapps or accept that you will fail quests and die in combat without being able to quickly reload a recent save.
Ultimately, I enjoy games that force me to take failure seriously, but that’s a matter of taste. It does make riding through the woods pretty intense with the threat of getting ambushed.
Try to use the combat skills you’ve unlocked instead of spamming thrust.
General combat advice:
Unless the rules are something like “you fall in love with what your eyes first find”, and he was just alone with the potion.
Tunic has an incredible mystery element, with many layers and a very satisfying conclusion. The combat is juicy enough but still pretty forgiving, and the meta-narrative of playing that’s “already been played” is very interesting and nostalgic. Highly recommended!
TBF, upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11 is free, so it can reasonably be called a rolling release.
It’s called RockShotgunPaper
The question is, do Scanians speak proper Swedish?