My wife likes to watch live sports on TV. During the commercial breaks I do word puzzles on my phone. She doesn’t mind.
What kind of word puzzles?
Not OP, but I highly recommend Cryptograms as a word puzzle you can do on paper if you’re trying to get off your phone for a while (I bought a book of 500 and it’s been great). The learning curve isn’t too intense, and each puzzle is different enough from the last that they don’t lose their challenge over time.
I’m also the creator of an app called Sootly, if you’re looking for a deeply stressful game of word guessing and deductive logic. It’s a free app with no ads, for the record, so no motive of financial gain here.
My partner likes putting podcasts on the TV. If I don’t have something else to do, I play Peglin!
Hey, that looks pretty fun
Any idea how it compares with Peggle? I haven’t played it in years but suddenly feel nostalgic for games you could pay once for and not watch ads. (Peggle looks to no longer be that though).
It’s if Peggle were a Roguelike. It’s a port of a PC game, so you don’t need to worry about in-app purchases aside from buying the full game. There’s a free demo!
Don’t forget to mute the sound