Imagine being the guy at the novelty T-Shirt company, who takes requests.
And then THIS order comes in…
They probably make these in bulk.
…I honestly don’t know if that’s better or worse.
Imagine a world where people just wear their dating profile on the back and then someone who fancy them says “I’m down for that, where’s your consent form?”.
Incredibly based world, if it were so easy
Sounds like bureaucracy that has gone a bit too far, lol
I bet the Vogons would like it though.
This reads like a EULA
More like a warning
How were they able to catch a picture of him before he got swarmed by 17 and 18 year old blondes.
He probably not in Illinois, so that cuts a lot out.
The man has a type, and that type is either 17 or 6402373705728000 years old.
The longer you read it, the more bizzarely specific and funnier it gets
the more [bizarrely] specific and funnier
Maybe that’s the joke? Are we all just not getting the humour? I watched The Office and kinda felt the same as I do now; maybe it’s more ‘cringe’ humour?
It’s nice for him to be inclusive of 18! year olds. Dating can be difficult for ladies in their mid-quadrillions.
I would not hang around that guy in that shirt. Hell, just knowing he owned that shirt would make me terminate a friendship. That’s fucking insane.
Wow, he could have really cut that down to just “Want Woman” written on a muscle bra in sharpie, like me. Could have saved a few bucks.
Someone needs to put this text into a Star Wars style opening crawl
never ask me for anything ever again
(for some reason the text takes a while to come up, but it does eventually)
Just realized you couldn’t copy/paste for the prompt and had to type that out…
i have taken psychic damage for each word i typed
I recommend one of these options:
Mind Blank attempts to hide the mind from attack, making its parts unidentifiable.
Thought Shield cloaks the mind so as to hide first one part, then another. This defense can be kept up at all times, unlike the others.
Mental Barrier is a carefully built thought repetition wall which exposes only that small area.
Intellect Fortress is a defense which calls forth the powers of the ego and super-ego to stop attacks.
Tower of Iron Will relies only upon the super-ego to build an unassailable haven for the brain.
I have no need for such inferior methods when the holy god emporer protects
I know only the empirical clarity of Imperial Truth.
A man’s soul needs to be a fortress.
i am no man
And print the scrolling text on a shirt like a gif.
Putting your physical description on your shirt 💀
Lawful evil
4chan irl
Terrifyingly specific.
Hilariously specific!
All of that text and he didn’t specify what gender he’s looking for.
Technically, blondes implies women; if it was non-women it’d be blonds