The challenge is, can you figure out where it is.
THIS is what the comm is for! Perfect liminal space, fascinating to boot.
Arsenal? Tottenham?
Got it.
The innards of a stadium?
It’s behind the big screens, between them and the outer skin.
Cool! It just looked like it curved like one…
… figured it was a stadium of sorts… but which one!?
It’s in London, if that helps.
Yes, this is a theater in London, I saw a Tom Scott video about it. That stairway leads up to where the lighting arrays are and to roof access.
Unfortunately not, though it is in London.
Aw, I was sure that was the building, the metal staircase iwth metal frame walls and such looks very similar.
I think it’s a standard permanent scaffolding setup. I’ve seen it at a lot of venues. This is one of the few that give proper liminal space vibes though.
Ahh, ok.
High up inside new Wembley Stadium.
Not Wembley. Wembley is remarkably efficient in its space usage, so no big open cavities.
Millennium Dome?
👎 Millennium dome is mostly fabric.
O2 Arena then.
O2 Arena is the millennium dome. It was sold and renamed.
Yes, the arena is inside the fabric.
The whole thing was rebranded as the O2 Arena. You won’t see millennium dome anywhere onsite.
Service area in the new arena for the 2025 US Hunger Games
A roller coaster track, or some kind of panopticon walkway in a prison?
Dildo factory
Behind some kind of scoreboard?
Closest so far.
Rotary prison?
Looks like the insides of a large sculpture or monument installation.
Is this a foxconn assembly plant / dormatory?
Truman Show?
It does have that feel, crossed with a Borg cube.
Inside of a conveyor belt?
Wrong scale.