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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023

  • yeah, I’ll agree. the tech communities in there are not like that. it’s the political ones.

    an example: they’ll say something off the wall about the Ukraine war and American support for it, you’ll reply with something that mentions the Americans that support and don’t support it among many other things, they’ll dog pile you for using the word “liberal” with the common American definition because apparently linguistic drift is illegal. theynever get off the subject and then never actually tell you their definition and how it differs.

    that’s every political discussion with anyone from .ml involved. if it was just their own communities it would be fine, but it’s that they go out and do that with every community that doesn’t defederate.

    imagine it this way; what if “the Donald” had broken off Reddit later and made one of the largest lemmy instances. they were perfectly cordial when you were in their funny dog pictures community, but they constantly act like trump supporters in every political thread.
    obviously we’d all defederate with them. very few world even question that at this point.

    that’s what this is. they’re just loud, and extreme, and annoying on this one subject. we’d rather not see the Linux main community hold us captive against excising the problem.

  • to me it was more the straw that broke the camel’s back. every rude and unreasonable interaction i have in here is with someone from .ml. it’s not even about their politics or beliefs, they’re just not pleasant to have around.

    the second you try to engage them they throw the real arguments out for pedantry about definitions and using that to call people dumb instead of actually having meaningful discussion about ideas. they’re the worst kind of “it’s not my job to explain it to you, Google it” people too. like, i get the mindset, but it’s just not going to change anyone’s heart or mind. it’s not how you actually win an argument.

    every person on Lemmy.ml argues like an annoying 14 year old atheist that just discovered Internet arguments and the think whole Internet is Christian. they’re just shitty to be around and basically never add anything meaningful to a discussion other than “you’re wrong and dumb”

  • baldur’s gate was incredible at this. i think part of that was their mindset wasn’t “how do we make this more accessible to casual players?” they’re mindset was more “how do we make this less tedious and/or annoying for everyone?” like the quick select buffs ui that comes up with every roll. in early access, and other larian games it was still possible to add buffs mid dialogue, but you’d have to like ungroup the buffer, sit then outside, start the dialogue, then sneak them in to hit you with the buff, which might not work right if you already opened the roll interface…

    they’ve even added a custom difficulty mode where you can turn off more of their ease of use features. for example, i personally believe the game is better with the “perception check failed” notifications removed. if your whole party fails the perception check, you still know the trap is there… it makes the whole mechanic a bit pointless at times. with it turned off you’ll still do the check, and it’ll still show you if you succeed, it just hides the rolls from you until then.

  • eh, i found the game to be hollow and boring past the first handful of hours… but I didn’t get much out of the “explore the castle” experience. like, there wasn’t really anything to find. just the same boxes and puzzles but in different spots. like, imagine if instead of a little card to read about the whomping willow, instead you just get pulled into a fight if you wander too close.

    the flying, one of the most important aspects of a harry potter open world game imo, wasn’t just bad, it had no thought or effort put into it at all. i made exactly as complex of a flight mechanic in 7th grade using a teaching program called Alice in like 2009.

    like, every tool and mechanic in the game felt lazy or unfinished. bad puzzles lifted out of other games, all of the school rules get handwaved away because a rule and punishment system would’ve been actual gameplay and they didn’t want to spend time on that when they had models to build and marketing to do.

    that’s really my issue. it feels like a game that spent 40% on building an environment, 50% on marketing, and the 10% that was left went into slapping a game into it. it’s really frustrating too, because no one is willing to talk about the game beyond the Rowling controversy. it felt like a blatant low effort cash grab to me, but everyone else either “didn’t care cause fuck rowling” or “idk, i liked it” is the most they’ve given it thought.

  • it’s one of the only commonly known messaging platform to most people that:

    1: isn’t owned by a company that many people hate, even if they don’t know much about it.

    2: isn’t platform locked and doesn’t discriminate.

    3: doesn’t require money or verification to use.

    i can see how it’s kinda settled out this way. whatsapp never caught on in the u.s. because everyone here was happy with sms and mms when the rest of the world was picking up Whatsapp. from what i understand that’s literally just because texting was cheap in the u.s… now people want more than mms, but apple is being apple about it so we need a third party app. by this point Whatsapp is owned by Facebook and the “privacy” of it is openly mocked by the average non tech person. everyone hates Facebook so the idea of willingly adopting another Facebook messenger that you’re not already on seems crazy. anyone that would accept that is just going to use Facebook messenger instead. anyone that wouldn’t will find something better.

    Snapchat has no big controversies. no one knows who owns them. they don’t really try to be more than a messaging platform. i can see why people would uncritically choose it as their default. i bet it’s big among the kids who don’t play that whole blue bubble iphone supremacy game, but don’t use discord either. so i guess the non nerdy kids that aren’t elitist dicks. that’s who I’d guess uses it amongst the youth these days.

    edit: before the suggestions come, I know these aren’t good solutions. I’m just theorizing why. getting my friends on matrix as best i can…

  • honestly, if you want a more modern show without any baggage you need to get over if you aren’t used to watching pre 2000 tv, watch strange new worlds. imo it’s the only modern trek that even remotely captures the star trek vibe. and i think it nails it…

    it may be sacrilege to say that, but i genuinely think it’s the best overall presentation. if you like it, you’ll probably like the older ones too, and might find it easier to approach them if you can get hooked by the very high production value new show.