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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • This is the main development path for most distros - Debian, Gentoo, etc.

    Issues are tracked on bugzilla and then the patch is sent to the developer mailing list citing the bug ticket with git send-email. Not sure about Debian but in the case of Gentoo they accept contributions via their git mirror and email. The developers keep both in sync so that new contributors (who likely use github) are encouraged but more established users can stick to the mailing list.

  • I had it on an old thinkpad for years but swapped back to Debian on there recently. It’s a neat OS for hobbyists but the desktop experience is rough around the edges.

    It’s similar to how linux used to be 15 years ago in terms of software compatibility.

    One positive thing about it is that the source code for their corelibs is beautiful (!) GNU corelibs have been optimized to within an inch of their life to make them as fast as possible at the cost of legibility.

  • Are we talking about games developed/published by Nintendo or can we also talk about console exclusives?

    Metroid Prime on gamecube is probably my favourite game ever. Playing it when it came out was a visceral experience and the world immersed me more than any other game until the original Dark Souls came along.

    2nd pick would be SMT4 on 3DS. It synthesizes the story beats of almost all of the previous entries in the series into a wonderful concoction of all the best parts IMO. Best combat in the series too - love the smirk system.