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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • This isn’t an HDMI mod that pulls from digital signal and outputs to digital, or an RGB mod that bypasses the analogue hardware.

    It’s a mod that corrects poor image in some specific models of SNES to bring them to the standard of other models of SNES. Details here: https://www.retrorgb.com/snesversioncompare.html

    I understand what you’re getting at because it’s a common refrain, but the fact that some models of SNES do not exhibit this behaviour strongly indicates it was not how it was supposed to look, and is caused by poor manufacturing tolerances and/or aging caps.

    Not all degraded video quality was the intended vision for the device, unless your argument is that a fraying composite cable that you have to jiggle around and a controller with a broken “R” button is also core to the experience. That may have been YOUR experience as a kid, that doesn’t make it the intended vision of the creators.

    It’s a fine line, but this falls on the side of early manufacturing errors and not intention.

  • Yeah MacRumors reached out and apparently Apple clarified that it was pulled for the GBA4iOS copyright issue and not anything to do with ROMs.

    Agreed, it’ll be a long journey. But this is a step in the right direction, and I’m sure it will be an ebb and flow rather than just a flood of existing iOS emulation projects coming to the App Store.

    For example; we won’t see Delta because of Riley’s competing store, and we probably won’t see Provenance because of all of the JIT stuff they built that will have to be removed for an App Store approved build.

    I will be pretty upset if they just end up reversing their position. Google Play has had tons of emulators for years with no issues, with the exception of yuzu which is hardly surprising considering that’s a current gen console. I think the pressure at this point is more imagined.

  • I saw that you were a different person, I don’t see how that’s relevant. You chimed in saying you also didn’t read the article because of your opinion that most articles now are AI generated nonsense not worth consuming. Nothing in your first comment said you didn’t agree with him at all.

    I’d get it if the guy you replied to said “read the article, it’s super interesting!” and then you said “I didn’t read it because most text articles are AI generated nonsense so maybe that’s why they didn’t bother either” to add perspective.

    But that wasn’t what happened. The OP spouted a nonsense opinion based off what he thought was going on, which was wrong, the next guy told him to read the article before running his mouth, and you chimed in to say “who reads articles, it’s all AI generated nonsense anyways now” which to me, comes off as a defense of spouting uninformed bullshit based off zero information.

  • I’ve seen tons of them. I never denied the issue. It’s real, and it’s very annoying. But using the fact that AI generated articles exist to justify spouting uninformed opinions based on nothing but a headline is ridiculous.

    Instead of reading a headline, assuming it means what you think it does and being wrong, then writing a comment based on that wrong opinion, you could at least glance at the article. You have enough time to write an angry comment, you can’t spend 10 seconds glancing at the article to see if it has any info that the 5 word headline might not have covered?

    Or alternatively, if it’s such an imposition, then just don’t comment.

  • Despite you feeling like they NEED mods to be playable, the vast majority of people play Bethesda games with no mods whatsoever, most on platforms that aren’t even capable of open modding. If you wonder why Bethesda is lukewarm on mods in recent years, look no further than this sentiment.

    How dare they update their game with free bug fixes, performance improvements, features and improved graphics? Their video game I bought on sale 10 years ago for $6 is an operating system with a stable, documented API, and making that comparison doesn’t make me look insane and wildly entitled. Who cares about the 100% of people who will receive a better game for free because of this, what’s important is the 1% of people who will have to rewrite their mod so that 10% of players can use it!

    Why on earth would Bethesda not want to cater to this unprofitable, demanding & entitled crowd of out-of-touch nerds who think everyone tweaks everything to hell before even trying it? I’m at a total loss.

  • That’s not how I interpret that. I think they’re just saying that if your app does offer digital goods, you have to use IAP. Not that any app in this category has to include IAP to be accepted.

    Apple is protecting its bottom line here. In other words if Nintendo was to release a classic arcade, they don’t just get to circumvent IAP rules in non-DMA countries because of this change. But I don’t see any wording that says apps cannot forgo offering any IAPs and just allow you to add content via Files like all other apps do.

    If they intended your definition, they wouldn’t leave it vague. There would be a specific provision that says “Apps cannot access files or software from the system, or offer an in-app browser or other online resource to add files to the app.”

    Moreover, this change is specifically targeted at Riley Testut and AltStore, which was founded so he could distribute his emulator, Delta. Your interpretation would fully prevent that app from being offered, so I really don’t think that is what Apple was intending.

    Lack of JIT is crippling though, hopefully that will change soon.

    They’ve opened a door that basically nobody could walk through and the people who could walk through it wouldn’t need to because they could just distribute the ROMs with the emulator to begin with, it’s business as usual for Apple.

    Actually this also isn’t true, emulators were banned period. This was partially to avoid legal issues and also because if they didn’t, the App Store would be flooded with emulators in wrappers distributing single titles.

    So technically, this does allow the use case of a classic developer offering all their old titles in a a single arcade app, which was not the case before.

  • Wouldn’t the better move be the exact opposite? If you really want to move go for it, but barrier to entry only gets lower as time goes on, not higher.

    I don’t know what “scramble” you would need if you did move to Jellyfin. If your library and setup is already working on Plex, why wouldn’t it just be a matter of installing Jellyfin, adding the library folders you already use with Plex and letting everything scan in? Ask your users to create accounts and add them?

    And if it’s not that simple, then it’s hard to argue that it’s on the same level as Plex, isn’t it? Who even knows what the future holds? If Plex eventually collapses, Jellyfin might not even be the best solution. More time allows them to continue to improve it, or other solutions to emerge.

    Plex literally has no purpose outside of the core library product. The other revenue streams exist to fund the core product, and it’s not a public company. AFAIK, Elan is still the creator, founder and CTO of Plex. If he leaves or they make moves to go public, then I’ll begin the arduous task of clicking on an installer 5 times and adding some folders to a new service.

    For now, I think I’m good.

  • I love when people get pissy about stuff like this. If you want it, great. If you don’t, buy other shoes or don’t use it.

    What’s it going to do? Stop being a shoe if you don’t connect it to your phone?

    Devices that can lock you out with their smart functionality and you don’t have a say in, I get. Things like the Roku TVs forcing new arbitration policies and ovens included with a house that have mandatory firmware updates.

    But stuff like this? Who cares? It’s very useful to some people who want advanced gait tracking in the shoe, and it’s completely ignorable for everyone else.