Baby Shoggoth [she/her]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • i’ve had the testflight build since early on, but haven’t paid much attention to this app because i can’t get the post-list ui to look the way i prefer in other apps. 😅

    my community doesn’t need much moderation either, which means if i don’t check the website often enough i’ll completely miss a few reports because there haven’t been any in a month and my instance admin has to be annoyed by them.

  • oh i didn’t think to look in the communities list, sorry. my mod queue is empty currently, how does the app show you there’s an unhandled report? I’d kind of expect them to show up in inbox tab, but it seems i have to go through the posts tab -> community list -> mod zone dance to get to them? is there a notification count on the posts tab too for reports to hint to me that there’s something there?

    Also it might be nice to mention mod tools in the app description because most lemmy apps are still lacking them.

  • Will not buy. I do not like rockstar’s business model of “release new GTA, milk the franchise via online mode and microtransactions for a decade rather than making more content and new games”. GTA1-4 and all of the offshoot/expansion games for each, came out in a shorter timespan than GTA5’s lifespan, WITHOUT an expansion.

    Also, GTA5 was wonderful technically, but the story was cookie cutter as hell. Even just looking at the “amazing new 3 protagonists”, it’s a white guy in his 40s who just wants one final score before retiring (every heist movie protagonist ever), a black dude from the streets with gang history (b/c he’s black, and a criminal, he’s obviously a gang member), and some methed out white dude (who even the dev team admits is just a character based on “lol gta players will play like psychopaths because the npc’s aren’t real people, isn’t that funny/weird haha let’s make a character about it” — like no the whole point of gta is that it’s a story about being a criminal, so you do criminal stuff and get rewarded for it with points/money/weapons and without real consequence, like when mario jumps on a goomba). two boring stereotypes that and a

    Anyway, buying gta6 sounds like a poor life decision to me. i hate yearly franchises, but decade-ly franchises are so much worse. the starcraft 1->2 transition taught me that way before gta5 even came out.