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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • You’re right but…

    It’s the same with open source products. Companies just take it, make billions off it, give nothing back, will try the embrace, enhance , extinguish tactics, will hide any GPL licensing because of course they would…

    It’ll happen anyway, and you can’t stop it. Like you said, girls dress to rape is bullshit. But if a girl goes in a skimpy bikini in a Bombay bus at 9pm, then you’re kind of asking for something. Open source is open for everyone, that is kind of the point, it’s the reason why it became so big in the first place, but it WILL be abused because there are always abusers out there

  • Yeah Microsoft isn’t releasing this until we can use it responsible.

    1. we’ll never be able to guarantee that. There will always be people abusing this.

    2. Though right now it’s in the hands of Microsoft and likely requires a shit tonne of hardware to run (I’d imagine a collection of specialized servers), this tech WILL come out eventually, and eventually, everyone will be able to run it.

    3. I give it 5-10 years tops before anyone can just do this with anyone. Want to make a movie of trump or Hilary fucking a donkey? Done. Want to make a video of your 5 year old daughter in a gangbang? Done. The future is very bleak.

    I’m honestly unsure if the internet was a good idea and I’m even less sure if humanity was a good idea.