…advanced marvel superheroes, the full FASERIP system…
…advanced marvel superheroes, the full FASERIP system…
…i’ve been disappointed with the print quality of most of their POD books since last year: it’s like someone isn’t monitoring the ink levels and one of the CMYK colors almost always looks washed out…
…1981 moldvay red box was my first product, but the first i played i think was 1977 holmes, although i don’t know for certain because i never saw my cousin’s books; in fact, i’ve been unable to identify which module he ran us through to this day…
…if you’re into paper books (and a hefty table) the DK complete world atlas includes a lot of geographic information, or if you prefer a dryer, more-authoritative presentation, the times world atlas is the grandaddy of the format…
…it looks like DK also offers a digital version of their previous editon…
(i have the millenium editions of both atlases, and they’re both fantastic tomes, but i think the DK complete atlas is more of what you’re looking for)
…back in the CRT era i needed at least a 72Hz refresh rate to not feel any discomfort; that doesn’t exactly correlate with framerates on modern LCD displays but i think it’s a good proxy for the threshold of general perceptiblity…
…are greater framerates smoother?..sure, especially in my peripheral vision, but 72 FPS is generally good-enough beyond which returns start diminishing…
…tom hanks made a series fourty-five years ago about two transgendered advertising executives struggling in a world which fears and hates them…
…awww, man, i thought that was a pop swatch from the thumbnail!..
…i adore this depiction of moria from the one ring, plan and section both set against surrounding terrain to give a sense of scale…
…roll back before fascism and take a look at feudalism to see how ugly things can get in a steady-state oligarch civilisation…
…because western economies are built upon larger young generations paying smaller old generations for the privilege of participation; take away its buttressing and that “stable” economic pyramid becomes a rickety tower…
…you can prop up the generational productivity deficit with industrial automation to some extent, but only if the benefits of automation are democratised rather than hegemonised, otherwise a smaller-and-smaller oligarchy instead dominates an increasingly-marginalised peasantry until the whole thing comes crashing down…
…when life becomes cheap, it will be spent cheaply…
…that’s okay; in star citizen the vapid simulator download service is called electronic access…
…yeah, my inner twelve-year-old would rock this house so hard: blockbuster party friday night, cartoons saturday morning, bike ride to the candy store then GI joes in the backyard saturday afternoon, SNICK followed by staying up way too late playing D+D saturday night, more D+D sunday morning, then jetski rides and a hot dog cookout before wrapping up the weekend with amazing stories, the young indiana jones chronicles, star trek, and finally falling asleep in my bunk bed…
…good call, that camry gets infinite FPS at infinite resolution and dynamic range; enjoy!..
…only three hundred grand for a house which violates the f*ck out of international building code, fire code, and life safety code; nice!..
…what are the odds of even more egregious DIY violations of electricial, mechanical, and plumbing code which we can’t see in casual realtor photos?..
…international coastlines; shores with ports-of-entry…
“Wisk gets ring-around-the-collar and your whole wash clean.”
…this is a perspective projection: scotand’s prominent in the foreground, ingland is below / beyond in the background…
(southeast is up)
…NCSA mosaic won the web, absolutely; in truth i think it gave a lot of us an excuse to upgrade from terminals and shell accounts…
…typity type-type…