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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • I had great internet, and it was still frustrating bullshit.

    Valve really abused their big-ass sequel to force their DRM’d marketplace upon PC gaming. We just got used to it because they’re competent at UI development and happy with console-level gouging of publishers.

  • Dehumanizing people who recognize the power of overwhelming market share is a lot worse than pointing out the power of overwhelming market share.

    Folks will shit on Alan Wake II for only releasing on EGS, like that’s obviously the only reason it’s not selling well… and then refuse to consider the implications of that claim. I have led people by the nose through what it means when there’s only one store that really matters, and developers are generally screwed if they can’t or won’t sell through that one store.

  • From developers’ perspective, platforms are an obstacle. PC is the least-onerous middleman between them and customers. (And Steam still takes an entire third of their revenue.) The push for games to just work on whatever, for everyone, was already present by the PS2 era, and by the PS3 era it nearly killed the PS3. Sony’s wacky-but-powerful hardware counted for fuck-all to devs who wanted a PC release and and Xbox port or vice-versa. Sony only recovered by providing a generic API and getting some games that worked basically how they worked on every other machine.

    Everything is a computer now. The PS5 and Xbox whateveritscalled are nearly-identical AMD laptops. Nintendo’s money-printing handheld is an Android tablet by Nvidia. There is no special sauce anymore. Microsoft is fully prepared for this, since the Xbox was always an effort to PC-ify the console market, but Sony is struggling to recognize the war is over. Helldivers showed them how much money they could make being just a PC publisher, and it scared the shit out of them. They’re not okay. Their entire business model is rooted in being a platform, when consumers are sick and tired of dealing with platforms.

    We just want to game.

  • Consoles are dying.

    Yeah, the PS5 is doing alright, sales-wise. But even its fanboys say ‘it has no games.’ What they mean is: almost every game is on every relevant platform. Multi-platform development won. Even hardware has to reflect this: Sony and MS had three lockstep releases of nearly-identical AMD laptops. Nintendo’s latest money-printing handheld is literally an Nvidia Android tablet.

    Everything is a computer now. Some of them are needlessly locked-down.

    This market where every game has to be certified and pressed three separate times in different-colored boxes will not last. It is an absurdity. Sony finally recognizes this, after Microsoft starting doing weird shit with the Xbox brand. Because really - the Xbox whatever-it’s-called selling half as many units as the PS5 is still a metric shitload of units. Microsoft still has recurring revenue from millions of customers and the apparently-standard one-third gross cut from retail sales. The Xbox is not hurting.

    Microsoft is acting weird because the Xbox was always an effort to PC-ify the console market. They aimed for something 360-ish, whiffed, and released a literal Pentium 3 PC. Then they did the 360, as a generic compiler target, and it got all the good ports. It also gave indie developers something novel: money. Once the Xbone launched, the PS3 had recovered, but only by helping PC devs deal with their wonky vector processor. And the Kinect fucked them. But it was already too late: the PS4 was just a PC. The PS4 Pro and PS5 couldn’t even tempt gamers to “wait and see” or jump ship for instant gratification, because MS launched similar machines at the same damn time.

    Helldivers 2 finally showed Sony how much money they could make, being just a PC publisher. They desperately do not want to be just a PC publisher. Their overreaction is a desperate effort to protect their platform - because being a platform is all they have. They didn’t design whiz-bang hardware that allows amazeballs games like nothing else. They don’t have Nintendo’s damnable first-party appeal. They need their releases other platforms to coerce people into entering the Sony ecosystem.

    Meanwhile: Microsoft is teasing Halo on Playstation because it makes no difference to them. Microsoft doesn’t give a shit if all the money in a game sale goes to Sony and Valve, so long as the game’s running on Windows. They want a market driven by developers, developers, developers, because they know they can dominate it.

  • The most visible uses are stupid - but the technology can easily improve actual human effort. Starting from text and churning out ten thousand tiny variations is just a demonstration of how far it can be stretched. You could feed in a sketch and get get a finished texture, with all the wonky false-color channels. You could change a voice actor’s performance to sound like someone else giving that performance. You could filter in-engine footage for cutscenes that look eerily realistic while staying on-model.

    None of which will fix the scope creep that’s slowly killing the industry by turning every project into a five-year-long gamble the employs a thousand people and still manages to crunch for eighteen months straight. Guys. There’s game jams where teams that’d fit in an elevator produce fun products in a matter of weeks. You wouldn’t need to fixate on magical future technology if you committed to releasing a game about once a year… instead of making ev-er-y single pitch the biggest and bestest and prettiest thing evarrr.