• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Fucking hell lmao y’all need to go back to reddit this is straight up high school drama behaviour.

    Grow up, I’m serious. Of course you’re gonna get banned for brigading into a community and going “muh tiannamen square???” like that meme hasn’t been run into the fucking ground already.

    Make a new community on a new instance, it really is that simple! and if people have issues with the moderation on lemmy.ml (they clearly don’t, beyond a few people who demand everyone listens to their concern trolling) then they’ll move, but otherwise you’re gonna have to accept that people really don’t give a rats ass about the united states foreign ministry and its opinions.

    1. Premium support channels - This is basically how RedHat and Canonical make their money, while offering FOSS for individuals.

    2. Donations - KDE and GNOME are largely donor-backed, both by individuals and corporate entities.

    3. Commissions on features - Collabora for example is commissioned by Valve to improve KDE and SteamOS.

    4. Software licenses - Certain FOSS licenses may permit paid access to software as long as the source is open i think? There are also source-available eg. Asperite that are open source, but only offer binaries for customers.

    5. Add on services - Your FOSS web app can offer paid hosting and management for clients. Your distro can offer ISOs with extra pre-downloaded software for a fee (Zorin). You can partner with hardware to distribute your software (Manjaro, KDE).

    6. Hired by a company to work on your project and integrate with their own stack. This is what Linus Torvalds did with Linux when he was first hired by Transmeta - part of his time was spent working on Linux to work better with the technology Transmeta used.

  • idk what resolution you use for streaming but my raspberry pi 4B runs plex at 1080p just fine as long as it isnt using x265/AV1 (but on jellyfin you might be able to use the Pi’s GPU for transcoding).

    I use nextcloud too but it’s a tiny bit slower than I’d like, but that’s likely a wifi issue i think.

    Literally any PC on Amazon for $200 CAD, then add your own SSD. I’d say 8GB of RAM but that’s just for cache, youll rarely go over 4 in general use.

    That, or a raspberry pi 4B/5 which runs you about $150 once you get a case, power supply, powered USB dock for sticking SSDs into (just for safety since technically the pi’s USB ports cant handle certain SSDs power reqs.) and then stick SSDs into that.

    Use dietpi (dietpi.com) for setting up your services and it’ll run nice and smooth for anything not H265, which might be annoying but Plex and possibly jellyfin let you transcode stuff in the background which is nice.