Expert developer, Buddhist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


    3 months ago

    Shout-out to the Flutter-Dart stack that Google made. Neither are outstanding, but Flutter compiles to native code for every platform including mobile and web. This is way more convenient than React Native (which funny enough doesn’t really work on web). Dart is a much saner lang than JS and the UI framework is much saner than React. Dependency management is fast and easy without NPM and webpack trash. So for my recent project I embedded a flutter app inside a static website, and can also have it run native on desktop or wherever. The only real downsides are an extra 1.5mb load for the dart runtime stuff, and some need to fiddle with platform specific issues and configs. Upside is I need neither xcode nor node

    3 months ago

    Well configuring NeoVim is basically game development / modding. But yeah it’s built as an embedded mostly single thread thing so. I also used it for AwesomeWM many years ago, whole thing was lua. I do think it’s one of the most elegant languages ever designed, with it’s very simple table/metatable mechanics

  • Nice work! Don’t see a lot of this, and it’s a common experience with LLMs today

    I’d say they are ok for learning, but only for the simplest stuff. The syntax of a programming language you don’t know, and would be trivial to google. Basic info about cats. Some models are a little better than others, but it feels like throwing more hardware/data at it is no longer the correct answer, and breakthroughs are needed

    Mainly the issue here is trust. You never know when LLMs switch from being a decent teacher to being a convincing liar. And that’s kinda the whole thing with teachers, you’re supposed to trust them. Just chatting with someone about a topic you’re both only casually familiar with is different

    Generally LLMs fail spectacularly when it comes to popularity of ideas vs fundamentals of ideas. A single new publication in a physics journal could fundamentally change our perception of the universe, but the LLM is much more likely to describe a common viewpoint that it’s been trained on a lot. Even with the latest GPT it was very painful talking to it about black holes and holographic universe

  • Oh it’s just an over complicated pile of low quality stuff. Still substantially behind XMPP, which was a fine solution. Somehow still behind IRCv3 in terms of raw usability and apps too. IRCv3 is a new spec that made a lot of improvements

    I investigated all three in depth and decided IRCv3 is what I want to use for my server / apps. I even run a public web client that acts like Discord. IRC has the bigger communities still

    If you really care about encryption, maybe there’s a reason you’d do something different, but I just want private chat servers with good UX

  • I think it’s super based. All these clowns talking about open source while using Discord and GitHub (yes, that’s me included). You want to submit a bug report to Git itself? Well, you gotta send a bug report to the mailing list. Then some guy will be like “oh shit can you fix it also?” and I’m like “haha no” so the dude submits a fix himselg within 4 hours, and obtains the raging hard boner of internet developer clout

    Great system, pgp keys are actually useful. And everyone knows you have to be at least an 8/10 in handsomeness to be running an IRC server. Also, Matrix is trash, I’m serious, modern IRC is cool

  • Lung@lemmy.worldtoProton @lemmy.worldIntroducing Proton CAPTCHA
    10 months ago

    Feels like releasing a new (privacy oriented) horse drawn buggy design just as automobiles are taking off

    Captcha has already been extremely questionable for years, as there are open source tools to break em, and AIs emerging that can describe what’s in images

    Take as a case study RuneScape building custom captcha games during login to try and dissuade bots. It didn’t work, the bots easily adapted to the new games

    Google’s reCaptcha no longer recommends any user interaction at all. The new methodology is using AI to wholistically examine user behavior/identity with as much data as possible

    Basically, I think Proton wasted their time, and captchas are a dumb system. They added computational challenges, but they start easy and are pitched when image fails. So I’m not so convinced that they will work better than cloudflare

  • Lung@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldGoogle -> SquareSpace?
    10 months ago

    Well, I’m pretty pissed, and it feels like Google, probably the biggest Internet company, has really gone insane. I mean, a web company stops selling domains? Why? It makes total sense with their Cloud offerings and other stuff like managed Gmail/apps

    Anyway I have like a dozen domains there so I’m just going to hang in for the rollover and hopefully I don’t need to do anything. Ultimately, I use this stuff like 2ce a year so it doesn’t really matter who holds the domains for me

  • I manage like 200 servers in Google cloud k8s but I don’t think I’d do that for home use. The core purpose is to manage multiple servers and assign processes between them, auto scaling, cluster internal network - running docker containers for single instance apps for personal use doesn’t require this kind of complexity

    My NAS software has a docker thing just built into it. I can upload or specify a package and it just runs it on the local hardware. If you have a Linux shell, I guess all you really have to do is run dockerd to start the daemon, make sure your network config allows connections, and upload your docker containers to it for running