• 4 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • kalkulat@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldReplacing CD Collection
    4 months ago

    Yeah! Did that once, many years back. took a couple weeks. Used a ripper program that went out on the net and got all the metadata, saved to a HD (now on the third one). Put the CDs in Logic cases (no-wear), recycled the jewelboxes.

    Over time, started to drop album folders into VLC, save the playlists, at ur fingertips.

  • For language learning, I’ve always 1) come up with a simple project plan that’s not too beyond my ability. Build a simple core that could branch off in several directions to make it more and more useful. I started one 10 years ago I’m still enjoying building on… and never needed to use objects … OR frameworks … to do anything.

    It’s good to know the basic, vanilla stuff really well. Say you’re getting into text arrays, knowing basics of splice, slice, split, pop/push, indexOf, sort are a lot more useful than, say, typedArray. MDN is useful for details, but is very completist. And if you run into something new that you know you need to remember, try to use it ASAP, and as often as you can.

    Lately I noticed the Digital Ocean tutorial series - it’s very good, very well-written. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorial-series/how-to-code-in-javascript

    For a reference book with the essencials in one place, a hard copy of "Javascript - The good parts’ by Crockford. Lots of expert examples, indexed, pick it up anytime … it’ll never get old! (Then pick up the essentials added in ES6.)

  • kalkulat@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldFediverse blogging options
    8 months ago

    could be kind of annoying to export and backup.

    True that. Altho, if I were doing a blog, it’d be from stuff I wrote and then posted. (As for comments, how many are worth saving? Present company excepted of course.)

    I thought about it too, but I really like HTML and CSS, and prefer a place I can use them. (I’d get interested if I could put anything I want inside a styled <div>…</div>, but sadly few places accomodate that. What they’re worried about I’m uncertain. I’m HOPING that such sites will arise in the Fediverse.)

  • Since I joined Lemmy a couple months back, one of the ideas I saw mentioned by the Lemmy people for blogging is this: start a Community and make yourself the only poster. You can invite people to be co-posters.

    Yes, it has the limits of Lemmy posting. No making your own HTML or fancy backgrounds. But so far as -text- is concerned, the sky’s the limit.