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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I have to agree to disagree.

    I often do find myself more likely to talk about gender specific issues when I know that the space I’m in will make an effort to exclude those people who don’t understand that some topics aren’t for them. I have seen, time and again, how any topic focusing on the issues of a specific gender will bring out hordes of people to scream about how this exclusion is somehow evil or wrong just because it excludes them.

    Gender specific conversations draw out trolls like nothing else.

  • Impossible Meat was pretty good until twenty minutes later when I discovered my rare blood disorder makes me deathly allergic to the fake heme they use to synthesize blood. Seemed dead on identical to a Whopper, even the second and third and forth time I tasted it (from all the barfing).

    I've had maybe two fake beefs that tasted dead on since then, and a bunch of fake chicken. I think since we have come this far in making fake meat, it's conceivable that there's a future tech that can craft a meat that doesn't cause the negatives of meat consumption.

    I think it's also safe to presume that in the ultra future tech advanced society of Star Trek, they can remove the bacteria that causes body odor in humans.

    I'm throwing in with the person who said that it might be cultural. Like how some people hate when I sweat garlic. And maybe Vulcans were too polite to tell humans about the unpleasantness of our odor since they logically know they shouldn't comment on this aspect of culture.

    And also they seem to really get off on feeling superior, so why tell humanity there's something unpleasant about them? Those barbaric humans. I bet it's their illogical obsession with emotion that makes them smell (since certain emotions do in fact cause hormonal changes that make smells). "It's a biological side effect of unchecked emotion."

    Of course, if that's the case, I bet they can smell Pon Farr. And you are welcome if you haven't had that idea yet, fanfiction smut people. (This is a joke. Y'all are a million steps ahead of me. You can see in my comment history I only this past week realized how homoerotic Q's obsession with Jean Luc has been all these years.)