Yes, this is what they are designed to do when used in hiring and criminal justice contexts. They would not be getting used if they did anything else.
Nicely demonstrated by the researchers, but can anybody say they are surprised?
Yes, this is what they are designed to do when used in hiring and criminal justice contexts. They would not be getting used if they did anything else.
Nicely demonstrated by the researchers, but can anybody say they are surprised?
Asset-stripping couldn’t happen to a nicer league.
Next fake punts have to be announced.
Yeah the whole “my neighbors would refer to my children using a racial slur” think is a damper on the appeal of rural life.
Nah. But it’s nice that he feels he has to pretend.
Walls made of rugs are a nomad thing.
The people who cared about it never played the game.
Like me; I loved the first helldivers but noped out of this one.
I remember typing in BASIC programs from printed magazines. That’s how I got my start.
Then why would their publisher have a press announcement that it was going to be a live service game?
I don’t think they’ve denied that it will still need an online connection to play, though.
Ah, but you see they are white Christian conservative Republicans.
So, no.
As if I give a fuck about looking weird to the Jack Dorsey Appreciation Society.
Yeah it’s out of control. My main instance is in fedipact, which I support, so I’m kinda set.
But it’s like 50% of my feed and it’s too much.
The Republicans needed something to justify their upcoming impeachment.
In my case, lesbianism.
Emacs and vim are both vastly superior to all other text editors.
Which one you like better is a matter of taste.
Vim is a girlfriend with rock hard abs who wants to take you rock climbing and of whom you’re secretly a little scared.
Emacs is a big bouncy happy girl who wants to take care of you in every conceivable way, then split a bucket of RAM while binging pirated movies.
I welcome the addition of ERA to football helmets.