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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I came into this discussion from the technical perspective (of which I’ve done plenty of research, both in university and in my job) that commercial VPNs don’t do what most ads want you to think they do. Your ISP sees a lot less than they want you to think, VPNs use just the same encryption algorithms as everyone else and while public WiFi isn’t great security-wise it’s not as if anyone will read your bank password the second you connect. I still stand by those claims.

    Then, the discussion drifted towards who you’d rather trust with the things that aren’t encrypted (mostly DNS and connection metadata. Someone has claimed that many messengers are unencrypted but I think they have confused a lack of user-to-user encryption with user-to-server encryption), your ISP or some VPN provider. That’s the point where we diverged: as I had no need for a VPN myself (because of the reasons mentioned above), I had not researched individual VPN providers and was not aware that Mullvad apparently has a strong track record. For that I apologize. Still, in a thread that started out with someone not knowing if they need a VPN at all and most discussion has been very general, I would not assume that anyone who comments is familiar with a specific provider without them being named explicitly. Also, I’ve stated in at least three places that I was explicitly talking about VPN providers like NordVPN and Surfshark that are prominently (mis-)advertised. Those I still would not trust further than I can throw them.

    But I guess that’s online discussions. We’ve talked about two different things and took a while to notice. I’m thankful for the correction and I hope you can understand where I came from.

  • I checked and there is only a single comment that mentions Mullvad (other than yours that I’m replying to right now) that’s visible on my instance with no specific explanation why it’s better than other offers other than that you can pay with cash. If I’ve missed something, I promise you that it’s not in bad faith, it’s just that this distinction didn’t come through clearly.

    I hadn’t heard about Mullvad before today and a quick look at their website made it look not very different from the fear-mongering you see with the others. Only after your comment I noticed the Why Mullvad VPN link at the very bottom that explains what they do differently. I’m still skeptical about some of the claims and especially of audits that they themselves requested but I’m happy to see that there are providers that seem to be more trustworthy than the ones that are constantly shoved down our throats and I’m definitely happy to have learned something new.

    May I suggest that you write a top level comment that explains in detail why Mullvad is better than other services so OP (and others who stumble over this thread) has an easier time finding it?

    Edit: minor typos and grammar

  • Oh I most certainly don’t have much faith in my local ISP. But I have even less faith in some VPN startup funded by venture capitalists who may or may not be cutting corners on security to save a few bucks on their ends even if they’re not actively malicious. At least my local ISP has been around for decades and is closely monitored by both a government agency and independent customer protection groups.

    And yes, I do live in a place with a very strong regulatory framework. Our ISPs are bound by the EU GDPR and our highest federal court has confirmed multiple times that even saving connection metadata without a case-specific court order is illegal. Sure, they could break those laws but a commercial VPN provider can do just the same with the difference that not as many people would notice.

  • While my threat model is not universal, it comes close, at least for the average user which OP seems to be from their question. In practice, there is very little unencrypted traffic these days and in the case of that traffic you will have to ask yourself if your (commercial) VPN provider is more trustworthy than your ISP.

    If you need to ask if you need a VPN there’s a 99% chance that you don’t. There are certainly a few use cases for both commercial VPNs and TOR (see my other comment) but to even be aware that those apply to you, you probably already have enough technical knowledge to approach the question from the direction “I want to do XYZ, how can I be more secure?” and not “I’ve heard of VPNs, do I need one?”

  • Commercial VPNs as a security measure are pretty much a scam, at least in the way they are marketed.

    These days, basically any web traffic is encrypted through HTTPS. Even on an untrusted network, nobody will be able to see the actual content (passwords, personal data) of what you’re doing. DNS spoofing isn’t viable either as any fake site they would send you to would lack the right certificates to establish a convincing HTTPS connection. So all someone can see is what servers you’re connecting to, either by logging your DNS requests (can be prevented by using some form of encrypted DNS like DNS over HTTPS) or the IP addresses you connect to. And honestly, how much value does one get out of knowing that there’s someone on their network who browses beehaw.org, supergreatbank.com and bigtiddygothgfs.to with no information to connect that to an actual person?

    Unless you routinely use shady open Wi-Fi networks - and I’m talking about something that may have been setup on purpose by a malicious actor, not your local supermarket - to do security-critical stuff, you don’t need a VPN. Also, if you trust your mobile data provider less than a company that tricks people into thinking you absolutely need their product to secure your data, you should get a different mobile data provider.

    Now, there are use cases for VPNs but those are more along the lines of accessing stuff that’s not available in whatever region you’re currently in.

    See also Tom Scott’s video on the topic. It’s a few years old but still relevant.

    Edit: there is of course also the use case of hiding illegal stuff. In that case, I will not give any advice. Put some onions on top of your router or something, that’s probably cheaper and more reliable.

    Edit 2: just to make this entirely clear, I’m talking about commercial VPNs like NordVPN, Surfshark and whoever else pays YouTubers to advertise for them. If you host your own VPN, some of the downsides may not be as relevant. Though I would assume that anyone who even considers hosting their own VPN has enough technical knowledge about how networking works to know about the pros and cons.

  • Publishers have massively overspent the last few years, hoping the gaming hype that started during the Covid lockdowns would stay or even grow indefinitely. Investors are only happy when numbers are higher than the year before and the only way to achieve this is to cut expenses. Problem is, cutting expenses almost always leads to worse output in the near future causing these companies to starve themselves to death. But by that time, those responsible will have cashed out and moved on to become C-level execs at some other company that they can milk for a few years before running them into the ground as well.

  • Germany has Das Schwarze Auge. The 5th edition is available in English as The Dark Eye. It started out in the 80s as a D&D clone but is now very different.

    Rules: There are eight basic attributes (courage, strength, charisma, dexterity, intelligence, intuition, constitution and agility) that start around 10-13 for most characters. Attribute checks are a single D20 that (after possible modifiers) must be less or equal to the attribute value. On top of that, there are a few dozen talents from maths to metalworking to astronomy to stealth. Each talent check consists of three attribute checks (for example acrobatics is agility/agility/constitution) where your talent points specify by how much you may fail the individual checks. At first glance that feels a little too complicated but you get used to it and allows very diverse character builds. Spell checks work the same way as talent checks and use mana. The system is technically classless. Your characters start with a certain amount of experience that you can spend for attributes, talents, perks, spells and more. There are suggested professions in the rulebook but you can get to the exact same result by picking everything individually. Nobody keeps you from building a stealthy magical archer with a love for pottery. Overall the rules are a lot less combat focused than D&D.

    Setting: The Dark Eye is set on the earthlike planet Dere with the continent Aventuria as the main setting. Aventuria is a bit of a kitchen sink setting with analogues to everything from vikings to a late medieval Holy Roman Empire, to nomadic desert tribes to pirates. Most human cultures believe in a pantheon of twelve main gods plus a whole lot of demigods. For each of the main gods there is an opposing archdemon. The other standard fantasy races exist as well, each with their own cultures and religions.

    There are other spinoff settings like Myranor (deserts, beast races and magic based aristocracy), Uturia (jungle, exploration) and the fanmade Rhakshazar (land of giants, also a bit Conan the barbarian style)

  • Progressives generally don’t hate Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus or any religion or ethnicity in particular. They hate people who think it’s okay to harm innocents. Just happens that thinking it’s okay to harm innocents currently has a strong overlap with certain groups. Is that so hard to understand?

    I’ll happily let you pray to whatever god(s) you like. If you want, you can do that right in my back yard. As long as we can agree that “Do not harm others” is kind of important. You know, that thing that is all over the Torah and the Bible. “Thou shalt not kill”, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and all that?

    No, progressives, leftists, however you want to call them do not want to overthrow western society, abolish conservative thoughts or anything like that. They just want to be left in fucking peace and believe that anyone who doesn’t harm others has a right to live their lives. Doesn’t matter if they are black, white, brown, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, straight, gay, cis, trans, Star Wars fans or Star Trek fans…

    Oh and yes, we’re just as annoyed by the few very vocal Stalinist weirdos as you are. They do not represent the majority of left-leaning people.

    Edit: some typos and grammar

  • It is genocide by the definition that they are directly targeting a whole lot of civilians who are not directly aligned with Hamas. By directly shooting them, bombing hospitals, preventing them from leaving Gaza and actively blocking foreign aid even though the UN has told them to stop multiple times. That’s not “attempting to destroy Hamas”, that’s an active “attempt to destroy a protected group [Muslim religion, Arab ethnicity, Palestinian nationality, probably a mix of all three] in whole or in part”.