Mastodon is mentioned a little lower.
Mastodon is mentioned a little lower.
I mean, it doesn’t necessarily mean the app is dead, maybe it’s just still working as intended?
Looks like there are just more translations in the gitlab history, but no new releases since 2021.
Looks like it hasn’t been updated in 3 years. Is it still maintained?
I would imagine anything more than session info would be stored to LocalStorage, then promptly sent to the server.
However, please keep in mind that this is a pre-release version not intended for production use as it may lead to data loss.
… “Production”? “Data loss”? It’s a browser.
My main issue with a non-native solution is that you need use userchrome hacks to make the horizontal tabs bar disappear, which doesn’t sync between installations. I use Firefox in multiple computers at the school I work at, so it isn’t a viable solution.
In modern Greek there’s still no distinction between arms and hands, or feet and legs.
Search it along with “potato” and you’ll find recipes
By resolution, do you mean the window dimensions?
I have to admit that I would have never imagined it’s a different character than the semicolon if I hadn’t seen those. That’s bad optimization right there!
Interesting additional info: in Greek, the role of the semicolon is played by a floating period ·
Fun fact: In Greek the question mark is “;”.
Its probably the “each other” that makes it trickier. I do ping my watch with an audible ring from my watch to find it, even though it’s always on silent.
It seems like YouTube High Definition has stopped working for me lately. Can’t seem to be able to open a settings page either.
I disagree. Having your phone on silent isn’t an out-of-the-ordinary use.
I despise listening to various pings, but still want my phone to vibrate and the screen to turn on. Most people at work/school do the same.
“Do not disturb” is for specific, short durations, or while you sleep (if you don’t turn your phone off).
If you do go this route, the best way is to make a fork of the main Umami github repository, then link that to railway. When you want to update, you can just sync new changes to the repo, and railway will rebuild your instance.
I’m running Umami on Railway (so not self-hosted), for two small websites. Works pretty well. I think Railway changed their pricing, but I’ve been grandfathered in with a free plan.
Edit: all of my websites are also on Netlify.
I’m looking for the opposite on the Android version. It goes against the default behavior when your last interaction with the bar was a search. I always end up doing “old searchnew search” and it drives me crazy