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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • It’s not “decades” old but Xbox One had a screen recording feature that I used a few times.to save fun clips.

    One time, I was playing AC: Odyssey and attacking a fort. Some general guy noticed me and followed me back to the edge of a cliff where I just went over the side. This motherfucker just hops off the edge and I watch him fall all the way down and slam into the rocks below. It was hilarious.

  • Monopoly, noun: the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.

    Imo this does not apply to Steam. They do not have an exclusive possession or control of the PC gaming market. As is proven in the rest of this thread by just about everyone, there are other online game stores/launchers besides Steam. Literally no one is forcing you to use Steam (because then it would be considered a monopoly), when Epic, GoG, Uplay, Origin, and Rockstar Launchers all exist.

    Again, like it was said elsewhere in this thread, they’ve just crushed the competition so completely that it feels like they have a monopoly.

  • I’d recommend Session or even SkaterXL, if you’re wanting a badass skating game. They’re like the Skate (1, 2, and 3) games, except on steroids. One stick controls one foot, and the other stick controls the other foot and you have to flick them all in different directions to do tricks and such. You can customize the gameplay to be as simple or as hardcore as you want, and there’s a nice barebones story (at least for Session) to string you along and teach you harder tricks and rest your skill. You also unlock new customization options, which I’ll say each tiny little adjust to your deck can actually make a difference during gameplay. You can tighten or loosen each truck individually as much as you want, change each individual wheel, change the hardness of the wheels so they grip more; there are even truck risers and deck rails you can put on there.