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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Because some of them don’t see the danger of Threads. And I’m not only talking about the EEE tactic: I’m also talking about the festering sludge that will grow on Threads and that you have also seen. For the Fediverse, it will be a moderation nightmare. And be sure that Zucc won’t even moderate his platform; he doesn’t want to and, as far as he’s concerned, it’s even out of his range.

    Think about it this way: if a user starts spewing death threats within the Threads platform, he MAY get sanctioned. Not banned, “sanctioned”. But if he does that to the Fediverse and especially on servers with already overwhelmed moderators, do you think that there would be consequences coming from Zucc for doing this kind of stuff outside the official Threads servers? No, nothing! Our moderators would surely ban him if they would find out about this in time, but imagine thousands of these kinds of accounts invading from Threads doing this constantly. This is not just Embrace, Extend, Extinguish, but it gets to Embrace, Raid, Harass, Extinguish

  • Got a Pi 4 (Raspberry Pi OS) set with an USB3 HDD with Systemd mount dependency for the following services:

    • Plex for movies and music
    • Samba for a shared network drive
    • Transmission

    Planning for:

    • PiHole (DNS adblocker)
    • Jellyfin as a backup
    • Nginx Proxy Server (since my Nodejs Express Proxy project failed miserably)

    I configured it for mobility since I am always moving with it, so this is why the Systemd dependency is very handy. Also, its wifi connection defaults to my hotspot when not at home.

    I also got 3 Pi3Bs remaining from an old Kube cluster project with HypriotOS, but I didn’t know what to do with them and it pains me to renew the cluster certificates