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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024


  • The first paragraph of this is brilliant projection.

    You’ve also made up a lot of weird lies and confusion simply to get around the fact that your assertion that only governments can do censorship is wrong and all this to defend a totally meaningless point because my argument is still 100% as valid if we use a more cumbersome word or phrase instead of censorship.

    Seriously read your own comment history and work on your issues.

    Oh and anyone interested in how deceptive he’s being in this rant, his statement about me being into conspiracies is from a post talking about knowledge fight and the absurdity of conspiracy theories. This is not someone that even understands the concept of arguing in good faith.

  • I used Wikipedia and the dictionary as a source for the established usage of a word, a totally reasonable usage of the resources.

    Yes in another thread entirely I made an observation that a joke is misogynistic and got upvoted by people who agree. I also made a joke that people saying ai learning from images it viewed is theft from artists would be angry at the statement made in post that piracy is not they because the original owner doesn’t get deprived of the original - none of this had anything to do with the topic at hand.

    Your effort to dismiss my options with (incorrect) semantics and now whatever this weird display is make it very clear you’re simply against the conclusion I come to but are incapable of coming up with am actual argument against them, very typical emotional response tbh but digging into my comment history is a bit of an obsessive act and hints to me that you’re not seeking truth especially as you refuse to spend less effort reading the first paragraph of a Wikipedia article and learning your already meaningless argument on word definition is wrong.

    But again pro censorship person tries to use methods to silence someone or divert from their original point rather than address the actual argument is par for the course.

  • Yeah that is the law, it has nothing to do with anything I said. I am very aware the first amendment doesn’t apply to private companies and it certainly doesn’t here because my country doesn’t even have a constitution let alone amendments to it.

    I was talking about people asking a private company for more censorship - if you read the Wikipedia article you’ll see in the first paragraph it explains your misconception that censorship is only something governments can do. Private companies can and do do it, I think it’s silly when people ask twitch to increase censorship because you’ll all be crying when people can’t stream gta6 because society got so slap happy on the censorship that murder, drug taking and crime got caught up in your crusade against seeing the human body.

    • and I did provide a source, Wikipedia. I trust you’re not incapable of finding the wiki page on censorship are you?

  • You’re confused, you muddled your taking points - the 1st amendment applies to the us governments but the word censorship has no relation to that

    Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or “inconvenient”.[2][3][4] Censorship can be conducted by governments,[5] private institutions,[6] and other controlling bodies.

    So no I’m not talking about the first ammendment at all I’m talking about whiney babies crying that twitch doesn’t censor things they don’t like and if the topic is twitch banning content then I’m entirely accurate in doing so

    Please try to focus and think through what you’re saying in future

  • Personally I believe that yes open source should be created by governments for the global good, that open source should be created by people studying PhDs and that community commons projects should be part of schooling with students learning how to use and contribute to them.

    However the main brunt of open source should be created by people who simply want it to exist because we will always outnumber and outperform government workers and students.

    Personally I would love to see a world where contributing to community projects is something everyone does as part of their life, not only because it’ll create more open source but because I think it’ll be a much healthier community if we stop seeing everyone else around us as competition and start seeing them as fellow workers in the project to improve life for all.