Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • While I had some fun playing torchlight 2 with a friend back in the day, in reality I never got on with the entire genre (or its sibling the Looter-Shooter)

    It’s like

    Every video game is on some level a skinner box, but arpgs and lootershooters are the most transparent and cynical about it, idk. Well no, the SECOND most transparent and cynical about it, MMOs still take the cake.

  • Seems we had a similar idea –

    Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (850 MiB):


    Super NES (2,03 GiB):


    GameBoy+GBC (570 MiB):


    Sega Master System (91,7 MiB):


    Currently seeding all these.

  • Yes

    You can expect them to drop at maybe one more good product, as going public is what companies do when they want to raise a lot of funds for some project

    But after THAT, when it turns out that the new product is just… Making money instead of making ALL the money, the investors will take over and from then on it’s fucked.

    But yeah RPi has alternatives now. No need to tie yourself to them when they DO sink.

  • Dark Souls has more in common with Castlevania than with anything “RPG”.

    As for Diablo type games, I personally call them “looter RPGs” as a retroactive term. Because the “looter shooter” genre that popped up about a decade after diablo is literally just Diablo but FPS.

    Genre names are wack anyway. The “[other game]-like” moniker will always be more descriptive and clear, plus being a reminder that every new thing in video games is a refreshed take on some pre existing thing.

  • Can’t speak for any country but my own (Brazil)

    The reason WhatsApp is such a thing here is an interesting little historical path.

    See, texting never really took off here in Brazil. Because phone service providers would charge per individual message. And while the charge was like 5 cents per message, that shit builds up. So unless you’re rich… You won’t be texting.

    So when smartphones, and with them, data plans (that offered very little data, around 4 gigs is the average nowadays, it was a few megs back then) came around, internet-based messaging services became our texting. Because if you have, idk, 512 megs of data in your plan, that’s not a lot but it is more than enough for messaging over an app.

    WhatsApp was the one that got popular, no idea why.

    It was popular with the youths™ first in the early 10s, then families hopped on, dragged in by their young-adult kids no doubt, and then… Everything! Because once the Boomers had learned how to use this one app, every business under the sun realised it could serve their purposes as well. And eventually… So did the government.

    You want to order pizza? WhatsApp. Want to contact a government agency? WhatsApp. Want to schedule a doctor’s appointment? WhatsApp.

    Now, I got my friends and family on Telegram, largely because Telegram has nicer features (still closed source though grumble grumble) but I still need WhatsApp for work. It’s how I talk to everyone: The team, the boss, the contacts, etc.

  • Personally, I feel like you can have fun on fedi, but it all depends on the accounts/communities you follow. My Sharkey feed AND my Lemmy feed are both full of memes, fandom nonsense, and shitposts. If you only follow serious communities and people that talk about serious news, you’ll have a serious time.

    That said, one thing that I thought was unpleasant about the fediverse, and then realised was a feature rather than a bug is… The fact that you can run out of fediverse content. After 2 hours on Lemmy, I have functionally read all of Lemmy (or, well, all the communities I care to read), and maybe 1 more hour to join conversations I’d like to join.

    Compared to the seemingly infinite content stream of The Other Sites ™, this initially struck me as bad and weird, but then I realised… I actually prefer it this way. Doomscrolling a fedi site/app is actually not possible, and that has done wonders for my mental health.

  • Definitely on that first one. Normies are all inside the GoogleMetaAmazonMicrosoft panopticon. If they are old they might still have a Yahoo Mail, but that’s as spicy as it gets.

    As for the second bit – All evidence I have is purely anecdotal. My ProtonMail account works fine and no one ever complained about not getting mail from me, but I have heard stories of people who use mail accounts not from GMail/Outlook getting flagged as spammers and having trouble chatting with the normies ™. Or having trouble creating accounts on sites because their e-mail is considered “not valid” by whatever system they put up on the shitty-ass site.

  • They don’t need to kill “every” lemmy/masto instance to kill the ecosystem. You just need to absorb enough of it that the only people left outside of your perversion of the ecosystem are certified weirdos.

    E-Mail was (and still is) an open standard anyone could use. But after decades of getting EEE’d, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone using an E-Mail Not provided by the corporate giants, even like, other enterprises have rolled their e-mails into the Google/Microsoft ecosystems, and ALSO if you have an e-mail address that is outside those domains, normies who are inside the corporate ecosystem will have trouble communicating with you as your address will get autoflagged as spam more often than not.