I was thinking the miracle drug, not necessarily the heal all power.
The exurgent virus was made by evil omnipotent-ish AI. I was thinking that the shroom rewired it in some way. Or since in it’s less evil form it gives some powers (but a second personality that try to control you) this new strand could be a new variant of this
What evil mushrooms would do in Call of Chtuluth ?
Lay out what happen before end. Personally I start from the murder and go back to find the why.
After use The three clues rule
I’ve read some before, bought them individually. I think that I have Apocalyptic Frane (never run) and MoonPunk (never run also). That’s why I ask, I want to know how people that played them find them.
However I’ve bought the bundle for the cause
and I like DRM free
Great Idea. I’ll put it into my notes.
Thanks for the help !