Have… you met C?
Have… you met C?
How about just starving them? Much cheaper!
Well, technically they didn’t mention that the 1980s called, so it’s a different, slightly less stale joke.
Not what I said and not an option for a lot of people.
Not what I said and not an option for a lot of people.
Exactly. That’s why I didn’t define what driving is in general, but for me. And according to statistics, most people. Petrolheads and hobbyists are not a big enough market segment to make decisions on, apparently even for Ferrari and Lamborghini.
I am also 100% on the EV hype, 3.5 years and counting. Super uncomplicated, silent and zoomy.
Is that what driving is about? For me driving is about that I don’t live in the supermarket and I need the shit they have in there.
Potato (Pomme de Terre, Erdapfel)
MAC address cloning to the rescue!
From the article
To address the alleged censorship part, the site also links to various options available to the public to circumvent the blocking efforts. This includes switching to third party DNS resolvers.
I know one for mine crafting…
MAC randomization to the rescue!
Ignore them?
<table />
I agree with this. When I publish my code, it is documented for someone in my field with around my level of knowledge. I assume you know DNS, I assume you know what a vector is, I assume you know what a dht is, I assume you know what O(log n) is.
I’m not writing a CS50 course, I’m helping you use the code I wrote.
Might be different for software like libre office which is supposed to be used by anyone, but most software on earth is built with other developers in mind.
Humanities are very important. Robots are not yet capable of flipping burgers!
Skill issue.