This is a man who knows how to gling. He is glinging. Yesterday, he _____.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • IMHO, GURPS’s reputation as being inscrutible is surprisingly unearned. Imagine if the next version of Dnd launched with a rebalanced version of every subclass released over 5e’s history, every spell from 5e, every feat (even the useless ones), every magic item and the guides to create new ones, the entire Dungeon Master’s Guide, and at least one chaper summarizing the history of the forgotten realms. Imagine if all of that was in the core book, which is so large it comes in volumes like an encyclopedia. That’s what the GURPS 4e core book is. In reality its more of a reference document. All the rules you need to play are either on your character sheet or were used to make your character.

    Personally I think it’s reputation comes from it’s biggest supporters. Rules lawyers and pendants, the lot of them.