Linux hobbyist, Machinist and tinkerer

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Because they wont make a new one that is long overdue! And they shit on OSS projects like citra while not making anything new games that are worth playing.

    I get old consoles are gonna use old chips, but thats a better reason to allow preservation of old games and the fact that nintendo still keeps porting games to this dead horse is unfathomable. 30fps is not playable for multible titles. Especially for FPS shooters

    They also hate there community! Many people have made fan projects or youtube videos playing old modifide nintendo games and nintendo hits them with a DMCA claim or a takedown. It dumb you cant even buy any old games from them like mario kart double dash. So why does it matter that people do with a game that nintendo isnt profiting from!

    And i dont understand why you even bother with bringing up my posting history, lots of people dont post on lemmy. Nor does the date of my last post add relivance to the topic at hand.

  • I just use steam gift cards because if my account ever gets compramised it wont have a credit card attached. I recently had a freind get his account locked out and got an email "saying your steam account has been locked please contact are support to recover. It was a link to a discord account and my freind was super tired from work and wasnt thinking right and told them his security questions TO A “STEAM SUPPORT” on discord. He DM’d me and i just finished work and he told me about his new 3060 and i said we should game later. Then he told me about the discord steam support, i googled if steam uses discord and Big suprise it was a scam. I sent him a link to the steam form and he went “oh fuck” and realized his steam account just got stolen. He eventually got it back but lost $40 that was in his steam account :/

    Stay safe out there and dont open spooky emails.