It all comes down to greed and enshitification in the end.
It all comes down to greed and enshitification in the end.
I agree with everything you’ve said, but would add that I yearn for a return to the season length of TOS, or TNG.
These 10 episode seasons, or eight in some cases, since streaming’s become the default, are for the birds.
Fabulous post! Loved the deets on the musical chops various cast have, as well as the roots of rhapsody to get us started.
The episode itself, which I’m watching now, is not what I expected and your post is thoroughly appreciated.
Will look for it, thanks.
Need an aquatic version for Nessie.
Gear on the cheap?
If you’re patient and can self-support, your local non-profits and their online stores may be useful.
It’s rare to see big gear NIB, but it does happen; have seen rack mount Cyberpower, 10 outlet, hi-watt units, IOB going for around $200+ in the last 6 months. Picked up a previous generation, 5 disk NAS for a tenth of its retail price, used.
You’re north of my border so my sites won’t work for you, but seriously, look into any Goodwill/Salvation Army type organizations, and don’t neglect local, they can be rewarding too.
Actually, politicians give up public privacy under the fiction of helping children, repeatedly.
I cringe every time “online” and “children” are uttered in the same breath.
“Brighter than a 30 watt lightbulb.”, yep, have to agree.
This is the poster child for enshittification; RIP bluebird, we salute what you were.
In a perfect world maybe it would work that way, but I’ve seen too much enshittifaction via vertical integration or ego driven CEObros to have anything but skepticism for industry regulation, self-regulation in particular.
“This highlights issues with A-I generated content crowding out human writers and the need for Google to better regulate such sites to ensure quality.”
Can agree with the first part of that statement, but Google regulating…feels like handing a fox the keys to the hen house.
Regulation of industry should be coming from our legislators, but they’re too busy polarizing their base, abasing themselves to donors and gilding their own cages to care.
Apologies for the rant, but this whole “AI” imbroglio is a textbook case of the cart put before the horse whilst heading downhill.
Dunno why this would rate a down doot, it’s a little fluffy, but mildly informative.