ugh, finally
ugh, finally
I stopped using reddit on mobile, so I exclusively use the website. Might be different there
Interesting. May I ask how?
Because with old.reddit and RES it really doesn’t feel much different (apart from the vibes in the communities)
I also was one of them. Still am, but also was
Oh god, I’m NOT watching a god damned 3 hour video on facebook vs fediverse!
well, you’re in luck. because the video is not about that.
In fact, fediverse gets a 10 second mention while the credits roll.
There, now you can watch the 3 hour video. It’s fun.
where it’s nothing but the stink of 80s carpet, the madness of red alert and endless backround noise of EPS manifolds at maximum hum-buzz
And sometimes you can here the faint calls of Lwaxana calling your name. Footsteps closing in
A reason I support his patron is that when he becomes the next super villain, I’m already on his good list
Finally. The year of Windows on the desktop is upon us
what I was playing was basically, ‘I’ve never wanted this.’
He didn’t ask for this?
Masto admin here. Small instance. 20ish users. costs me about 1€ per user.
Most of the costs comes from media cache storage, so it would scale nicely if I had more users, but I want to keep it small
interesting. theirs are pretty much the only reliable sensors I found has circles.
You can do anything there
man, they are packing
congrats. you’re the new YT hoster.
Please don’t turn off your computer, I’m currently watching something
could also check if the shortcut is still set. I’ve seen people who had that suddenly reset to blank for some reason.
It was a bit annoying to fix, in the end. But the feature itself is still there, just a bit buggy when an update is distributed
Had that happen a couple times over the last months. De-and-Reactivating the plugin worked for me
I also couldn’t really get into it.
I can understand the appeal, but it wasn’t really for me.
One day I’ll definitely finish watching it