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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • What kind of dumb answer is that? So its either accept the way it is or shut the game down? There is no way to fix a thing? Can’t work on anti cheat, better moderation, actual consequences for the assholes doing this, etc?

    What is it with so many people crawling so deep up Valve’s ass. They are not some holy company that loves you deeply.

    And I’m not just talking about the tf2 situation. Valve turns a blind eye to a lot of things on their platform such as hate speech and groups that purely exist to harass people.

  • Despite the really shitty performance issues in the city, i really really love the game. The first one meant a lot to me as it released in a time things were very stressful and difficult for me. The micro transactions piss me off too but luckily all of it is just in the game itself and it seems primarily there to trick people into buying it if they don’t know they can just get all of it in the game, and make a couple of extra dollars off of it. Which just seems like a decision by the people in charge as other capcom games have the same kind of strange shitty micro transactions.

    Story and gameplay wise, the game is a masterpiece. The world feels really alive and chucking goblins around is a blast.

    I was able to make my character look exactly like me and my main pawn exactly like my wife to the point of it being uncanny.

    I really hope that they can fix the performance issues so more people can enjoy the game.

  • Honestly, the whole user/community aspect of Steam is garbage. Discussion forums are just back and forth fights between people about random things like game issues without anyone trying to solve the actual issue. The screenshots/art whatever section is just softcore porn of the game characters and the main screenshots/art section that covers all games is just a hub for wallpaper engine crap.

    The guides section is the worst. Its all just stupid meme shit like “How to start the game” or “how to walk forward”.

    The workshop section CAN be decent but posters just select all tags for their items so searching by category is useless and there is no rule enforcement to prevent that.

    I’ve been a steam user since the start and have a steam deck. Their linux support is really good but thats it.

    Oh and trolls and bullies commenting on your profile just don’t seem to ever get banned nomatter what horrific shit they post.