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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Pohl@lemmy.worldtohomelab@lemmy.mlWTF is up with switches?
    3 months ago

    Your question exposes a language problem.

    A router cannot do that. A router connects two networks together and routs traffic between them. That is it.

    A home “router” is a combination device that includes a router, a wireless access point, maybe a modem, a managed switch, a dhcp server, a firewall, and more.

    If you need a managed switch with more than 4 ports… you buy a managed switch. It is simple.

  • I definitely did not claim it was braking privacy. As far as I can tell it was just querying an update server but for some reason it was doing it with such frequency (hundreds a minute for hours out of the day) that I deemed it was broken and that the OS was not managed well.

    Other people took a more suspicious view but mostly they just lost my trust that they had any business running a system on my network. If you google around you can get more nuanced takes I don’t actually know if they ever fixed it.

  • HAOS is a managed operating system, which is perfect for people who want to automate their home but don’t want to manage a Linux machine. It’s a little wild to me to see a person in this community advocating a managed OS. Like, what are we even doing here??

    I killed HAOS and set it up in docker because it was phoning home a lot. Sometimes there were hundreds of dns queries a minute to HA servers. No thanks.

  • It’s crazy to me the way that all of the also-ran handhelds seem bent on putting a desktop OS on these things. The steam deck didn’t succeed in spite of its lack of windows, it succeeded BECAUSE it ran a purpose built OS.

    Like imagine looking at a market where the Switch exists and saying “My path to victory is Microsoft Windows, that is what the people are demanding!”

    Even worse is that there almost certainly going to be some sort of handheld optimized windows release in the coming years from MS and they have zero incentive to license it to hardware OEMs. Best case for MSI et al is that they build a market for MS to steal from them in a year or two.

  • Modern games cost WAY too much to make and the industry has come up with the worst possible way to solve that problem. If you want to make a single player game with modern graphics that sells for 70$ and has a few 30$ dlcs, it HAS to be a huge hit or your going out of business. There are very few studios left with the guts and confidence to make that sort of wild “all-in” bet.

    The worst part is that games production costs are almost all labor cost so making games cheaper means making games with less people. There is no worker friendly future for games but free to play cash grab skinner boxes.

    Making art with 100s of millions in budget requires a hell of a patron. There is no market way to get the Sistine Chapel.

  • Did we used to conduct war in a way that was safe for civilians? I’m not aware of that history. The war in Gaza looks like war to me. The same way we have been practicing it since we picked up our first sticks in anger. Murdering civilians is a consequence of war. The “good guys” fire bombed Dresden and nuked Japan.

    I would give more examples but being honest I am straining to think of other wars in human history that were worth fighting. I am drawing a blank. All of it is pointless slaughter. At least in Gaza you can understand that the Israelis were provoked to war. Can’t say the same for the US in most of our wars.

  • Another vote for home assistant. It is not just the best FOSS option, it might just be the best option altogether.

    Some advice, think carefully about what you want to achieve with automation before you start. Take some time to draw up what you are going to do before you buy anything. Think about extensibility and don’t force yourself to lay out big money and time all at once. Will Smith (tested.com, tech pod, not Independence Day) recommends doing one room at a time and focusing on spaces that are primarily yours first.

    Things to consider: If you live with other people, it might be wise to make everything transparent. Meaning the light switches still turn the lights on and off on demand etc.

    Wi-Fi is sort of a poor solution to communicating with devices, especially ones that don’t have access to mains power all the time. Consider if you are going to deploy zigbee, z-wave, or a matter mesh. Matter, being very new would be challenging but it is clearly the future of low power wireless communication for home automation.

    Set a goal that NOTHING requires a external service or internet connection and stick to it. That might mean giving up on some types of devices but it’s YOUR house, not google’s.

    Think automation first. Phone and voice control is cool. But having things just happen the way you would want without have to do anything is even cooler. Be smart about complexity though. How would things have to change if your partner started working a different schedule for instance?

    Finally, get creative. Lots of silly problems can be solved with this technology. My favorite automation turns the damn hot glue gun off after 30min so my kids don’t start a fire if they get forgetful after a craft project.

  • All computers are named after dogs. My dogs, dogs in the family etc. the dog name should be carefully match to the computer’s role and characteristics.

    My peerlessly reliably golden retriever will almost always have a server named after him. The most powerful computer in the house is named after the monstrously large golden my parents had when I was young. My sons gaming pc is fast but perpetually broken, named after our greyhound. Laptops are named for smaller dogs, SBC devices get named after toy size dogs.

    Wi-Fi ssids should always be named after cats.

    This is the natural way of things.

  • Agreed. EEE, at the end of the day means using your superior resources to build attractive features that lure the market away from the “vanilla” FOSS project and into your proprietary ecosystem.

    Are current fediverse users likely to be lured to Facebook by cool features? NO

    Almost all of us are here because we no longer want to participate in the centralized corporate social media machine. The only thing FB could do to “extend” activitypub in a way that interests me is to not use it at all.

    If you though Mastodon was gonna “win” the microblog wars, condolences, I can see why this is upsetting. That doesn’t mean they can somehow come in and ruin what it is right now.

    Further, I am very dubious that Threads is going to federate with existing servers. When they talk about a fediverse, they are talking about a network of services that they have full control over. Insta and FB are going to get activitypub support and the new “zukkit” link aggregator will be announced within a year.

  • Pohl@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldthreads is already going great 💀
    1 year ago

    Will they though? From what I can tell, Mastodon/lemmy users would get ad free access to threads content without turning over any personal data. If I’m not off base on that, that seems like a thing that meta is going to avoid.

    I don’t want trash from meta crowding up the place and would probably leave a server that federated with threads but I am pretty sure that’s never going to happen.

  • If the fate of your posts is the concern, threads and whether or not it is federated with your server doesn’t matter. It never mattered

    Anyone, anywhere on earth (including meta) can gather your public statements and do with them as they please. Legal or not, it’s a big world and the law doesn’t cross borders as easily as information does.

    They don’t need threads to harvest and sell something you have posted online freely.

    They don’t need threads to gather enough data to start associating your user name with a real name. Especially if you have an account on one of their services.