• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Luckily, our e2e tests are pretty stable. And unfortunately we are not given the time to write integration tests as you describe. The good thing would be that with these mocks we were then also be able to load test single services instead of the whole product.

    We merge multiple times a day and run only those e2e tests we think are relevant. Of course, this is not optimal and it is not too rare that one of the teams merges a regression, where one team or more talented at that than the others.

    You see, we have issues and we realize we have them. Our management just thinks these are not important enough to spend time on writing integration tests. I think money and developer time are two of the reasons, but the lack of feature documentation, the lack of experts for parts of the codebase (some already left for another employer), and the amount of spaghetti code and infrastructure we have are other important reasons.

  • I think I was 11 or 12 when I started plaxing Tibia (a very early MMORPG). I really enjoyed it. At some point I found out that somebody has leaked the source code. You could host your own Tibia server. You could create new map segments or introduce new quests by Lua scripting. There was a huge community for “Open Tibia”, hundreds of servers with thousands of players. First, I got into mapping, then I got into scripting and loved it.

  • Okay I must admit that I do not have much experience with smoke and integration tests. We run end to end tests only and skip running the other two types entirely. They would be covered by the end to end tests anyways.

    Perhaps I am lucky in that our software doesn’t require us to use many waits at all. Most things are synchronous and those that are not mostly have API endpoints where the status of the process an be safely queried, i.e. a wait(1000) and hope for the best is not necessary, but rather do wait(1000) until isFinished().

    And yes, for us it is also a mess of errors popping up when one step in a pipeline fails, where many tests rely on this single step. I don’t know whether there is a way to approach this issue neatly. This is surely a chance in the market to be taken.

  • I think/hope that the wording you used was a mistake.

    End to end tests do not introduce flakiness, but uncover it.

    Whenever we discover flakiness, we try to fix it immediately. When there is no time for the fix (which is more than often the case) we create a ticket that vanishes in the backlog.

    For a long time the company I currently work at didn’t have end to end tests save unit tests for a lot of their code.

    Through a push of newcomers we finally managed to add end to end tests to many more parts of the code. However, these are still not properly documented. Some end to end tests overlap and some only cover a small part of one larger functionality. That is why we often find bugs that were introduced by us, because we had no end to end tests covering those parts.

    We used to run end end tests only every night on the whole product. They usually take an hour or more to complete. This takes too long to run them before each merge. However, we have them organized enough such that for sub-product A we can run the sub-product A end to end tests only before each merge where we assume that we did only touch code affecting sub-product A. In case the code changes affected some other parts of the product, the nightly tests help us out. We are doing this in my team for a long while now. But we just recently started to establish this procedure in the other teams of the company, too.