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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I wouldn’t be surprised if this backfires a bit. The reason most publishers/IP holders don’t go after videos on youtube and twitch is because it’s basically free advertisement for your game.

    If this behavior leads to people holding back on making nintendo based content, it could fuck them over in the long run. If you were a streamer or youtuber, would you feel particularly comfortable making videos and streaming nintendo games?

    I know I wouldn’t. There is no guarantee that nintendo actually puts effort into determining whether you are using an emulator or not. And even for the people who do use emulators, they may not be looking to continue making nintendo content.

  • This is exactly the thing I’ve been looking for. It saves everything as a sqlite db, and has csv export options. So you’re not fucked over if you need to switch to something else. It’s compatible for linux/windows.

    And the import options seem pretty good too.

    Congrats, you’ve made me spend the whole day switching everything over to that lol.

    The only real issue is that one of my banks deals with more than one type of currency. So I’ve had to write a custom script to handle that. But all in all, this is a massive upgrade for me. Thank you for this recommendation.

  • you don’t think the arm population would immediately be on edge?

    Not meaningfully. As we’ve seen time and time again, the 2A crowd is perfectly content to allow the state to be as authoritarian as it likes, so long as it’s hurting those pesky undesirables.

    The 2A crowd didn’t do shit when the 1985 move bombing happened. They didn’t do shit when DeSantis started harrasing people with cops in their own homes for using their 1A rights. They didn’t do shit when pro-palestinian protesters were getting the shit beat out of them by cops for using their 1A rights. They didn’t do shit for the myriad of bullshit wars the U.S. was involved in. They didn’t do shit when it came out how many countries the CIA destabilized in Latin America. The nth time will be no different.

    The authoritarians have little to fear, because the group that likes to act like they would keep that in check fully support it.

  • If DeSantis wants to put the state in marshal law he would have to convince the armed citizens of the state that that is ok,

    No he doesn’t. All he has to do is send cops to people’s homes, one by one, like he just did. Nobody is going to meaningfully stand up to the police if they take people one at a time, one house at a time.

    so expect hesitation on following some orders.

    There’s no reason for there to be any more hesitation. Cops already believe themselves to be doing the most dangerous job, and they outgun you when they show up to your house. For them it’s just another day.

  • But the 2nd amendment doesn’t increase the cost of authoritarian action. DeSantis just sent rounds of police to people’s homes for signing petitions to put abortion on the ballot in Florida.

    The 2nd amendment didn’t do jack shit to stop him from threatening people for their free speech. Because if a squad of a dozen cops lands on your front door, whether you like it or not you’re either going to be shot, detained, your guns taken away, etc. Having a gun doesn’t change that. You’re fucked, gun or not, if the state sends armed personnel to your home.

    And arguably you’re more fucked if you have a gun because of how trigger happy cops are. The moment they think you’re armed they’ll shoot you.

  • Exactly what law do you expect them to pass? This is all Dems fault for being so garbage that Republicans even have a chance.

    They are openly debating if the president can have political opponents killed. Quit living under a rock.

    You have to vote for them to win dumbass

    No shit.

    But I am not an imbecile who thinks they can magic away the spoiler effect. That’s you.

    You are truly deranged. In this comparison you could choose neither and vote green party.

    Voting third party is equal to choosing the second option.

    Biden supports RCV? Which Dem?

    Get a grip. You’ve done no better to get RCV implemented. Your votes get you nothing, because you vote for candidates that mathematically cannot win thanks to the inherent biases of FPTP voting.

    And RCV isn’t even that good of an option. STAR and approval are superior.

  • We have different standards. I couldn’t live with myself voting for billions to Raytheon and Boeing like you do.

    Voting for a politician is not an open agreement with every action they take. I didn’t vote for billions to go to war manufacturers. I voted against Trump.

    You could do that without voting for “corporate run dystopia” by voting green party.

    Thus splitting the vote and landing us in Gilead, no thanks. I don’t want to get killed by the state for being LGBTQ+

    I’m consenting to neither.

    I’m literally not by casting a vote against it, and you are.

    Gonna straight up steal from a different user.

    "Voting does sort of make you complicit, honestly.

    But guess what? Not voting also makes you complicit. So does voting in a way that has no chance of having an effect based on the current rules.

    Basically, existing as an eligible voter, at least in a country where voting isn’t rigged (so like, Russians are off the hook here, for example) makes you complicit in your government’s actions.

    That’s kind of a big point of being in a democratic society - we are all, every one of us, responsible for the actions of our government.

    And if you don’t like that responsibility, I get it, I totally sympathize, because I agree. I hate that responsibility, especially cause I know damn well I’m not qualified to make those decisions. But I still am responsible, and pretending I’m not doesn’t change that."


    So bullshit. I’m assuming you voted 3rd party in 2016. You chose to vote in a way that had no chance of having any effect to stave off Trump. So you are complicit in Trump. You consented to Trump. And thanks to people like you, we are now losing abortion access. The SCOTUS is now openly debating if a president can have political opponents killed. The road of fascism we are heading down is directly a result of people limply throwing pissing their vote into the wind.

  • Why didn’t Trump use these magical powers he supposedly has to take away our right to vote?

    Because it took them time to rig the SCOTUS.

    https://www.gp.org/ Where is yours?

    Yeah, a party that has won exactly zero presidential elections what a party you’ve built. How proud you must be.

    What have you done to oppose the rich controlling our government? You consent to it.

    A man abducts you and gives you to choices:

    • Have sex with him “willingly”

    • He kills you, and has sex with your corpse

    Choosing the first option in no way is consensual.

    Yes, that’s why I vote for candidates that support ranked choice voting.

    Good for you.

    You vote for candidates that oppose ranked choice voting.

    Factually incorrect.

  • The one who just voted for the military industrial complex with H.R.8035?

    The request was for “not bottom of the barrel”, not perfect. If you’re looking for a perfect politician, you’ve defined an impossible task.

    You continue to vote for a party that has a rigged primary with super delegates.

    No. I vote against the worst, the party openly embracing fascism.

    Remember you consented to this.

    I’d rather consent to corporate run dystopia than fascism.

    Meanwhile you’re consenting to fascism with your choice to throw away your vote. You do not have the high ground here.