How did I not notice this!?
Obviously someone with a cursory knowledge of photo editing works at the estate agent as they also superimpose their logo across every screen.
How did I not notice this!?
Obviously someone with a cursory knowledge of photo editing works at the estate agent as they also superimpose their logo across every screen.
It’s the stuff of nightmares for anyone with sensitivity issues. So much brightness and so much noise bouncing off every hard surface.
With you 100% on ceiling spots being evil.
You know, I only just realised they have office style blinds, the type with the white plastic string of beads, in every room.
Our plasterer asked about having some above our table, but I ended up with a pendant with a long cord as I move the table (and light) depending on visitors, time of year, or just a whim.
My husband draws plans for people and I’m often catching a look at the screen and asking if the client is sure they want that many lights!
Yup. I hate this trend of having a big kitchen with hardly any counter space. It seems to be something people aspire to here.
Oof. I didn’t even think about that.
I don’t find ceiling fixtures expensive (depending on the style of course. Most house her have a central pendant and many people just have a shade. I think having a bunch of holes in the ceiling and lots of bulbs to change if you keep them is more of a commitment.
I would say dimmable wall switches are not super common, but it’s getting easier to get bulbs that can be controlled independent of the wall switch, although these are still a lot more expensive, so you see lots of these lights that only have one setting.
Yep! All the ones I can change the temperature of are 2700k. If I need cooler task lighting, it’s a lamp or under the counter, but not on all the time.
This makes me so sad.
All of the above