Reddit refugee…wasting my time at now.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • While I understand your hesitation, I definitely believe there could have been at least five more relevant episodes in Season 2. This season was overall character driven instead of a “planet of the week” format we’ve seen before. So, there could have been some extra episodes that extrapolated on the seasonal Gorn arc, or an Ortegas episode, or a Pelia episode. There’s a lot of potential to provide spanning character and seasonal arcs while delivering episodes from different planets over a 15 episode season.

    I definitely believe 20 episodes is pushing it, but a 12-15 episode season could work if the stories are laid out well.

  • I’m in agreement with you, however I’m going to also add that the creep to a “pay-to-win” game has pretty much been crossed. Not to forget that Bungie decided to drip feed expansion content laced throughout seasonal content this year…that has not been received well.

    Destiny players are a salty bunch, but I have to say the current level of furor towards Bungie is pretty legitimate right now. They do overreact; I just feel that this in this current state of the game there is justification behind it.

    Regardless, “I hate Destiny; I play every day.”

  • After some further thought, I have to make the observation that I think T’pring knew something was wrong with Spock. There are a few things that T’pring does that indicates she knows that whatever Spock is going through, it’s more than he lets on. The main indication, to me, is when she held his hand after pouring the tea, which has to be excruciating to Spock. She helps him while he’s pouring the water to ensure the tea is properly steeped. She initiates the end of the Ritual of Awakening; interrupting her mother because the timer has expired. She defends the memory Amanda and Spock share. I love T’pring because, regardless of the circumstance, she stands beside Spock and defends him in the best way possible.

    Unfortunately, by the time she realizes something is amiss, they are committed to the ritual and they cannot get out of it even if she would want to delay it. I still think that Spock, at the time, chose to not disclose his condition for good reasons. I’m still on the fence that T’pring would’ve accidentally revealed that during the mind meld with her mother. I’m still onboard that Spock made the correct decision, however I can say that he should of at least disclosed that something was amiss a little later on.