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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023


  • I think a lot of the draw honestly comes from re-living old memories people have around playing these games (like staying up late in order to beat that one boss in Super Mario or whatever), which obviously is difficult if you never did so in the past.

    To a certain extent, yes, these games ARE a chore (all games are in a way - the point is almost always having to practice in order to get good enough to beat them). A well designed game just keeps your hooked with its storytelling and well timed rewards long enough not to toss it aside in frustration.

    But if it gets too frustrating because the payout just doesn’t seem to be there, I’d say don’t try to force it. Get a Switch and play the modern version of the classics, but with newer, fancier graphics, maybe that helps.

  • I’ve been on a bit of a retro gaming bender recently and downloaded a bunch of Nintendo emulators and ROMs, but I found that unless I have specific memories around a certain game, it was a little difficult to enjoy them. Also, perhaps I’m spoiled by all those modern PC games I’ve played.

    Then I tried some Switch games, and I gotta say, they honestly struck a great balance between visual effects and gameplay. Lots of games there that are basically just remakes of decades old classics, but with high res 3D graphics and modern effects. Seriously considering buying one now.